There are many complications that women may experience during pregnancy. Some of these complications are mild and just a pain in the neck more than anything. However, other complications might be very severe and cause problems with both mom and baby. Read on for a list of the most common ones. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Placenta Previa is a condition in which the placenta is lying too low in the uterus, and is either next to or blocking the cervix. Usually, placenta previa clears up on its own during early pregnancy. However, it can become dangerous if the placenta doesn’t move by later on in the pregnancy.
Many women experience preterm labor in the weeks leading up to the birth of their baby. Contractions or labor before 37 weeks gestation are considered to be preterm. About 12 percent of all babies born in the USA are born prematurely. The earlier a baby is born, the greater the risk of health complications.
Gestational Diabetes is just what it sounds like, diabetes during pregnancy. It is also extremely common. Somewhere around ten percent of moms-to-be develop gestational diabetes, and the condition is so common that blood glucose screenings are a normal part of pregnancy checkups. Gestational diabetes is usually managed through diet and exercise during pregnancy.
Another common pregnancy complication is low amniotic fluid. Too little fluid is known as oligohydramnios, and around four percent of pregnant women have this complication. If the case is severe, a woman will be induced and will have to give birth early.
RH Negative Disease is what happens when a mother has an rH negative blood type, and the baby has an rH positive blood type. The mother’s antibodies can actually begin to attack the baby, since it is perceived as a disease, or a threat. Doctors can give women a medication to prevent rH negative disease from occurring, and then give another dose at birth if the baby is still at risk.
Low birth weight is another very common pregnancy complication. Sometimes, low birth weight is caused by preterm labor and delivery. Other reasons for low birth weight include drug and alcohol abuse by the mother, tobacco use by the mother, poor diet and poor prenatal care.
Preeclampsia affects about five percent of women during their pregnancies. If you have high blood pressure and protein in your urine after twenty weeks of pregnancy, that is when you are diagnosed with Preeclampsia. There is no cure for Preeclampsia, aside from the delivery of the baby.
Ectopic Pregnancy is considered a pregnancy complication, but it happens so early in pregnancy, that most women don’t even know they are pregnant yet. Ectopic pregnancies occur when the fertilized egg implants outside of the uterus. Ectopic pregnancies can be very painful and cause multiple health complications for the mother. Even worse, there is no way to transplant a ectopic pregnancy, so ending the pregnancy is the only option.
Group B strep is the leading cause of infections in newborns. Doctors can detect Group B Strep through a culture done during pregnancy. It is easily treatable during pregnancy or after the baby is born.
Gestational Hypertension, or high blood pressure during pregnancy, is extremely common. It occurs in about 1 in every 10-20 pregnancies. It is usually managable during pregnancy, but sometimes the only cure is delivery of the baby.