Will the Name for PCOS Change?


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PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is a dreadful condition that can wreak havoc on your entire life. This is mainly because it can render you somewhat infertile. Women who have this condition have a number of small cysts. The cysts are not actually cysts. In fact, they are the immature egg follicles. Since these egg follicles have been described as cysts, the condition has been described as polycystic ovarian syndrome. This problem is hormonal. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Cause of Infertility

Studies have suggested that PCOS is actually among the most common reasons behind infertility today. Women with PCOS can’t get pregnant because they don’t ovulate at all. The egg does not mature because the required hormones are absent. As a result, there is no ovulation and no production of progesterone.

PCOS comes with numerous different symptoms. Some of these symptoms are actually serious and can invite more health problems.

Weight Gain

This is a very popular symptom of PCOS. If you have PCOS, you are likely to gain a lot of weight even though you watch what you eat. Experts say that weight gain is linked to insulin resistance, which is another symptom of PCOS.

Because of insulin resistance the levels of insulin increase. Because of this, ovarian cysts are developed even further.

Higher Androgen Levels

Androgens are male hormones. They are present in minimal quantities in women. Women who have PCOS have higher than normal levels of androgen. Because of this, a number of symptoms are seen including a lot of facial hair. Male pattern baldness, acne, and too much body hair are the other symptoms. Because of these levels, the levels of estrogen also come down.

Fewer or No Menstrual Cycles

There are numerous hormonal imbalances in women with PCOS. Because of this, the menstrual cycles are affected and they are not normal at all. Some women don’t even have menstrual cycles at all. If they have periods at all, they are very scant.

Changing the name of PCOS

It has been discovered that some women can develop the condition even without polycystic ovaries. They have numerous health-related issues.

The increase in the levels of insulin in the body leads to an increase in the levels of bad cholesterol. This, in turn, hardens the arteries, increases blood pressure, and may also lead to coronary artery disease. All these can cause a massive heart attack.

Misleading Name

A panel of researchers said that the name PCOS is actually misleading and the name must be changed to actually reflect what the syndrome is all about.

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Right now, the syndrome is diagnosed based on only three criteria: polycystic ovaries, higher levels of androgens, and abnormal periods.

More Criteria to include

Scientists think that it is time to include more criteria to be specific about the syndrome. The name change is supposed to increase awareness of PCOS and help people understand it better.


A name change indeed seems to be in the offing but it won’t be accepted so soon by all physicians and patients. It will take time to actually implement it. However, the name change is sensible enough. What do you think PCOS should be called?

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Maureen Stephens, BS, RN
Maureen Stephens, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Stephens has spent over twenty years in the healthcare world, specializing in obstretical and medical/surgical nursing. She joined ConceiveEasy as she has a strong interest in educating and empowering women and promoting fertility awareness.
