Trying to Conceive a Girl? Check Out These 15 Tips

Trying to Conceive a Girl? Check Out These 15 Tips

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Some people might say the gender of a child doesn’t matter, but since the beginning of the time, humans have always wanted a little control over the type of gender they want. In fact, there are a lot of superstitions and rituals passed down over the years that are supposed to help in conceiving a particular gender.

Thanks to the modern science of today, we have known a lot more about conception. It enables us to know that the man and not the woman ultimately determine the gender of a baby. Some scientists also feel that various factors come into play. For example, the boy sperm cannot survive in a highly acidic environment, and the female sperm can survive longer but swim slower. However, the sperm that gets to the egg first will win the race.

Then there are various theories and claims on how you can influence the chances of conceiving a girl or a boy, but the facts outlined by scientific researchers are clear. For every pregnancy conceived by a woman, there are equal chances of the child being a boy or a girl. Although, some couples only seem to conceive girls or boys, which is probably the result of luck rather than management.

Read these how to get pregnant fast tips for having a girl!

The Shettles Technique

This technique for conceiving a girl has claimed a success rate of over 75% and has been around since the 1960s. Dr. Shettle developed this technique, and he believed that timing is a major factor in determining the gender a woman will conceive. He believed that the gender of a baby can be determined by the X and Y chromosomes.

The Shettles Technique in trying to conceive

This technique for conceiving a girl has claimed a success rate of over 75% and has been around since the 1960s.

He also stated that the sperm for a male child swim faster than its female counterpart, but can’t survive as long as that of the female sperm. According to the technique developed by Dr. Shettle, you should have sex with your partner two to four days before ovulation if you want to conceive a girl child. By then the ovulation of the woman occurs, the sperm of the girl will be left to fertilize the egg. Also, he advised that you should avoid having sex when you have a clear egg yolk cervical mucus as it is a sure sign of ovulation. And hence timing might bring you a boy!

You should take note avoiding sex during this period can also reduce the likelihood of conceiving at all.

The Whelan Technique

Another commonly used technique was discovered by Dr. Whelan and has claimed a success rate of over 57% for couples who wish to conceive a girl. However, this theory has a slightly different timing, and in order to conceive a girl, you are advised to have sexual intercourse in two to three days before ovulation. And for a male child, her suggested timing is four to six days before ovulation.

Another commonly used technique was discovered by Dr. Whelan and has claimed a success rate of over 57% for couples who wish to conceive a girl.

The methods of Dr. Whelan and Dr. Shettle are contradicting each other, and these techniques have claimed a degree of success, but it is very difficult to truly determine if these successes were because of these two methods, or simply by luck. There is limited number of research available to support the methods above.

Have Sexual Intercourse with your Partner in Missionary Style

Also, certain sex positions such as missionary, lotus, and spooning, are considered to be more beneficial because it enables you and your partner to wrap your legs around each other. To conceive a girl, you should ensure that the Y chromosome does not reach the egg on time. These positions will ensure that you achieve shallow penetration.

Missionary, lotus, and spooning are considered to be more beneficial.

Less penetration is the key when you want to conceive a girl, but for a boy, deep penetration is the key. To increase your chance of conceiving a girl, you should consider having sexual intercourse with your partner in a missionary style. It is because this sex style limits the depth of penetration.

The missionary style, therefore, restricts how close to the cervix the sperm reaches. A male child sperm swim faster than that of a female, so by having sex with the missionary style, you will avoid deep penetration, and prevent the boy sperm from reaching and fertilizing the egg.

Avoid Orgasm

It has also been found out that having sex without female orgasm is a technique to conceiving a girl. The alkaline secretion released by the female orgasm helps the boy sperm to survive longer because it creates a less hostile environment, meaning that the boy sperm are assisted in reaching the egg first. However, without these secretions, the boy sperm will find it difficult to survive and have a minimal chance of getting to the egg.

The alkaline secretion released by the female orgasm helps the boy sperm to survive longer.

It is also assumed that when a male partner orgasms before his female partner, it increases the chance of conceiving a girl. This is because the orgasm of the man gives the girl sperm a greater chance.

Have More Sex Than Usual

When trying to conceive a girl, it is advisable to have sexual intercourse more, rather than restricting your sex life to dedicated times. In the days leading to your ovulation period, it is advisable to have sex as much as possible. It will reduce the sperm count of your partner which means, the number of fast swimming male sperm available to reach the egg is less than normal.

Eat More Fruits and Vegetables

According to studies, consumption of vegetables and fruits can improve the chances of women conceiving a girl. People believe that a vegetarian diet will help in conceiving a girl, especially if your diet consists of broccoli, nuts, and spinach. It is also assumed that foods high in magnesium and calcium, such as fruits, rice, and green leaves, are good for conceiving a girl child.

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Think meat & salty foods as manly foods; fruits & veggies as feminine foods.

Avoid taking cough syrups with guaifenesin

It is assumed that an ingredient called guaifenesin which is mostly in your cough syrup thins the nasal mucus in the girly part. The ingredient is said to be more favorable to the boy sperm. You should ensure that you purchase a cough syrup with multi-cold symptoms rather than the one with guaifenesin.

Robitussin for boys not girls.

Use Condoms

Using a birth control method, such as a condom when trying to conceive a girl seems odd, but a lot of couples have claimed success for this method. This theory is that using condoms and frequently having sex with your partner before you are fertile, helps you to eliminate the majority of the male sperm.

Using a birth control method, such as a condom when trying to conceive a girl seems odd, but a lot of couples have claimed success for this method.

It will give the girl sperm a better opportunity to reach the egg during the unprotected sex when you are ovulating or before your ovulation. You can combine this technique with the Shettles and Whelan method.

Eat More Acidic Food

Also, it is assumed by people that eating acidic foods during your pre-ovulation period improves your chance of conceiving a girl. It is also assumed that a boy sperm is not likely to survive in an acidic environment, and the PH of your vagina can be altered by eating a food with a high acidity rate.

Also, it is important to bear in mind that it’s not healthy for your body to be in an acidic state. But if you still want to try this method, you can consume soda, vinegar, and chocolate.

But if you still want to try this method, you can consume soda, vinegar, and chocolate.

People also assume that avoiding foods such as almonds, avocado, apples, and cucumber (which are very rich in vitamins), during your pre-ovulation days will improve your chance of conceiving a girl. However, it is important to prioritize having a baby that is healthy and avoiding neural tube defects by having enough folate in your body system. A good prenatal vitamin with folic acid can assure this.

Be Romantic

This technique is less scientific; however, thousands of people have claimed that this technique has worked for them. According to individuals with children of both sexes, their girl child was conceived during planned romantic meetings, and their boy child was conceived after spontaneous sex.

does going on romantic dates help get pregnant with a girl?
This theory states that in order to conceive a girl child, your sex should have a tender feeling and a romantic feeling. Even if the technique doesn’t work, it is still an amazing way to start conceiving a baby.

Low Salt Diet

Being in a healthy state and eating a low salt diet, is assumed to improve a woman’s chance of conceiving a girl. When trying to conceive a girl, you should try to avoid salted meats, cheeses, processed foods, and olives. During pregnancy, you should restrict the amount of salt used during cooking.

Ensure your Hubby Take a Hot Bath Before Having Sex

It is also assumed that having a hot bath before you have sex will weaken the boy sperm because a heated environment is hostile to the male sperm. Soaking in a hot tub would also do the same job. However, having a healthy baby should be the most essential factor for you and a partner. And this may prevent pregnancy entirely if you’re not lucky.

Also, you should ensure that your hubby wears briefs.

Also, you should ensure that your hubby wears briefs. Keeping the private part of your husband close and tight ensures that it remains warm, which is a suitable environment for the girl sperm.

Note Your Ovulation Date

The only way you can be sure of when you are ovulating is by charting and tracking it. Most women and doctors, look at their fertility as a 28-day cycle with their ovulation period falling on the 14th day of the month. It is however not always true for most women and it only happens to a very small number of women. The cycles of some women range from 21-35 days in a month, and it varies from each other. The best way you can predict your ovulation period is to chart your cycle.

          How to know your ovulation period has reached:

 Most women will develop a typical pain on one side of their lower pelvis, and it occurs in the middle of their monthly cycle.

 During ovulation period, there will be changes in the cervical mucus. A mucous that is fertile is clear, stretchy, watery, and it appears similar to egg white. It is caused by changes to the cells that encourage the smooth passage through the cervix towards the fallopian tube. A non-fertile mucous is more acidic than the fertile mucous, and a less acidic environment favors the sperm more rather than killing them off.

 During your ovulation period, your body may feel different. The libido of most women in their ovulation period is often increased, and they appear more relaxed and attractive.

 During your ovulation, you might also experience an increase in your basal body temperature. Which is the lowest temperature your body can attain during rest or sleep? The days before your ovulation, your body temperature will rise.

Check the Moon and Season

Also, there is a theory stated that the gender of a child is influenced by the phase of the moon and the positivity and negativity in the air. It is assumed that you can conceive a girl during the new moon phase and in spring and summer because girls are best conceived in a season with more negative ions.

Bottom Line

If you wish to conceive a girl child, you can try the techniques above, but you should note that there is little or no scientific evidence for most of these techniques. While there is a lot of circumstantial evidence on these techniques, it is not guaranteed that it will work for you.

Some of these techniques, most especially the timing techniques may reduce your chances of conceiving a child at all. Nevertheless, you can enjoy yourself while trying to conceive a girl, and no matter the gender you end up conceiving, the end result is the same – a healthy and happy baby and an awesome addition to your family.

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
