So You Want to Conceive a Boy? Top 7 Secrets

So You Want to Conceive a Boy? Top 7 Secrets

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Many couples look forward to having a baby boy. Whether it’s just a dad’s dream of teaching his son how to play baseball or a mom who already has a house full of girls, there are many different reasons that a couple might have their sights set on a little blue bundle of joy. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Is there a way to increase a couple’s chances of getting pregnant with a baby boy?

So, the question remains, is there a way to influence the gender of the baby you conceive? Is there a way to increase a couple’s chances of getting pregnant with a baby boy? Some experts say yes, and today we are going to explore those different ways to hopefully increase the likelihood of having a baby boy.

Boy Sperm Versus Girl Sperm

Before we get into the different ways to improve the chances of having a boy, let’s discuss a little bit about the different types of sperm. Some experts believe that the sperm that fertilizes the egg is actually what determines the gender of the baby that will be conceived. If it is the Y chromosome that fertilizes the egg, experts believe that the baby will be a boy. If it is an X chromosome that fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl.

If it is the Y chromosome that fertilizes the egg, experts believe that the baby will be a boy.

Pretty much, all of the science of conception and gender swaying comes down to which sperm will be the one to fertilize the egg. This method and ideology were made famous by Dr. Shettles, who wrote a book about it, titled  How To Choose The Sex Of Your Baby. This book subsequently became a bestseller, and couples all over the world have flocked to this encyclopedia on how to give themselves a better chance of having the sex of the baby that they desire.

Differences in X and Y

There are several things that make the X chromosome (girl) sperm different from the Y chromosome (boy) sperm. For example, the sperm with the Y chromosome (also known as the boy sperm) is said to be smaller than the X sperm. They are also said to move faster than the X sperm, but they also die faster as well. For their part, the girl sperm (X sperm) are said to be slower than the Y sperm, and they are supposed to be able to live longer in the female body than the boy sperm.

The Differences in X and Y Chromosomes

Which Positions Work Best?

When it comes to conceiving a boy, couples should take the advice to have sex that allows for the deepest penetration possible. The idea behind this is that if the sperm is deposited as close to the cervix as possible, it will not have as far to travel, and hopefully will win out over the other sperm. It is also believed that the cervical mucus is more friendly to boy sperm when deeper penetration is achieved. Some cervical mucus can actually kill off the boy sperm if it is too acidic, so this can help with that issue as well.

The recommended positions for having a boy are any positions that allow for deep penetration, such as from behind (doggy style), or man on top (missionary). Both of these positions will allow for the deepest penetration, which will make it most likely to conceive a boy. This way the boy sperm will already be as close as possible to where it needs to be to fertilize the egg.

Timing is Key

If a couple is wishing to conceive a boy, timing intercourse is a very important thing. Scientists and researchers believe that the best time to have sex if a couple wants to conceive a boy is as close to ovulation time as possible. If a couple has sex several days before the woman ovulates, the weaker, shorter-living boy sperm could potentially die off, leaving only girl sperm left to fertilize the egg.

If a couple has sex several days before the woman ovulates, the weaker, shorter-living boy sperm could potentially die off, leaving only girl sperm left to fertilize the egg.

Because the timing of ovulation can greatly affect whether a couple conceives a boy or a girl, it is very important for women to know when they are ovulating. Luckily, there are so many ways out there today for a woman to track her ovulation. From ovulation predictor kits to basal body thermometers and even cervical mucus tracking and more, there is no reason why a woman can’t pinpoint with relative accuracy her day of ovulation. Doing this can make trying to conceive a boy much easier because women can plan to have sex as close to ovulation as possible. 

All About Orgasms

One thing that many experts believe when it comes to conceiving a boy is that having an orgasm during sex can actually increase the chances of conceiving a boy. Although it may sound crazy, the reason for this is that having an orgasm can also make the vagina a more alkaline environment. An alkaline vaginal environment is more favorable towards boy sperm, which can help the boy sperm to live longer, and can help the boys win out over the girls. So live it up and go for the boy!

One thing that many experts believe when it comes to conceiving a boy is that having an orgasm during sex can actually increase the chances of conceiving a boy.

do orgasms determine the gender of your baby?

Eat a “Boy Based” Diet

One other thing that women can try if they are interested in conceiving a boy is to change their diet. “Fertility Diets” are all the rage right now, and there are so many out there to help women try to conceive their desired baby gender. A quick Google search can introduce women to a wide variety of gender-based fertility diets, but there are a lot of different things that women can do on their own as well.

Basically speaking, the “conceive a boy” fertility diet involves eating a lot of “man” foods if you will. We are talking about stuff like salty foods, red meats, and more. Think caveman. Anything acidic should be avoided if a woman is wanting to conceive a boy, since acidic foods are more conducive for a girl, and alkaline foods are more conducive for a boy. Many experts believe that eating a “fertility friendly” diet for as little as two weeks before conceiving can actually help to “sway” the gender of the baby that a couple conceives.

Think caveman.

Talking about a boy-friendly diet, there are certain foods to make sure to include for the best chances of having a boy. Salty foods and red meats are a must have, of course. Other alkaline friendly foods that should be included in a “have a boy” diet include zucchini, mushrooms, Brussell sprouts, bread, fish, and corn. Avoiding dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt and ice cream is a good idea if a woman is trying to conceive a boy. Also to be avoided should be things like tangy, citrus foods and things made with vinegar. Doing a quick web search can help women come up with an easy-to-follow list of “do’s and don’t” when it comes to a fertility diet.

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Coffee and Cough Syrup?

Now, here’s a couple of ideas that might sound crazy, but many people think that these two things could be the key to conceiving a boy. Believe it or not, according to Dr. Shettles (who is, in fact, considered the expert on these things), having your man drink a cup of coffee before having sex might actually give the sperm enough of a boost to reach the egg, and therefore increasing the chances of having a boy.

Having your man drink a cup of coffee before having sex might actually give them sperm enough of a boost to reach the egg, and therefore increasing the chances of having a boy.

does coffee help boost the chances of conceiveing?

As far as the cough syrup goes, some people believe that if women take a dose of cough syrup a couple of hours before sex, it actually can increase their chances of conceiving a boy. Although it sounds a little bit nuts, there is actually some smart thinking behind this. Cough syrup can thin cervical mucus, just like it thins out the mucus in the throat to help stop coughs. Thinning out the cervical mucus can make for a much more favorable environment for sperm, especially boy sperm, who swim very fast. The key ingredient to look for in cough syrup is guaifenesin, as it is the active ingredient in the cough syrup.

As far as the cough syrup goes, some people believe that if women take a dose of cough syrup a couple of hours before sex, it actually can increase their chances of conceiving a boy.

Boxers Versus Briefs

Another interesting point about conceiving a boy that most people do not realize is that the type of underwear that men wear can actually contribute to the likelihood of conceiving. It might seem like something that actually does make a difference, but tight briefs can actually cause the testicles to overheat. This can kill sperm, especially boy sperm which is not very tolerant of heat. The same goes for guys who wear tight clothing, like biking shorts.

It’s all about the underwear.

Also, men who are trying to conceive a boy should definitely avoid hot tubs, saunas, or hot baths. These things can also be detrimental to sperm, causing them to overheat, and subsequently, die before they even get a chance to fertilize the egg. Women whose husbands or boyfriends spend a lot of time in these sorts of settings should talk to their partner about skipping the hot tubs and saunas, temporarily, at least until conception has been reached.

Chinese Lunar Calendar

Although it might sound a little bit out there, the Chinese Lunar Calendar is supposedly a surefire way to predict a baby’s gender. Or, so, say that thousands of people who adhere to it and think that it is the way to go. The Chinese Lunar Calendar is more than 700 years old, and Chinese scientists discovered it in a royal tomb. However this gender prediction calendar came about, those who are loyal to the method of gender prediction say that it is more than 99 percent accurate.

Those who are loyal to the method of gender prediction say that it is more than 99 percent accurate.

Using the Chinese Lunar Calendar is pretty simple. You work backward to determine the correct month to get pregnant that will result in a boy. This method uses the mother’s age at conception and the month of conception to tell if the baby will be a boy or a girl. It sounds crazy and out there, but I will admit that this method correctly predicted the gender of both of my children. I even asked around to some of my friends, just as a little test, and was surprised to learn that the Chinese Lunar Calendar was correct for all of their baby’s genders as well!

Women who are interested in using the Chinese Lunar Calendar to conceive a boy should really research the method before beginning it, since there are some crazy rules and recommendations, including not conceiving during the beginning or the end of a “boy zone” on the calendar. This is definitely something that women should read up on and research before just jumping in because it can actually be more complicated than it seems.

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Go High Tech!

If couples have the money to really sink some funds into gender selection, there are some really great options out there today that can provide almost certain gender determination. The downside to all of this technology? It’s going to cost you!

The downside to all of this technology? It’s going to cost you!

One of the most popular and most well-known methods of gender sorting is a process called MicroSort. MicroSort is a scientific process where boy sperm and girl sperm are separated in a lab setting in order to help give the best chance of giving a couple a baby of a certain gender. Gender selection via these “sperm sorting” techniques can cost upwards of $2000 per cycle attempt, so get ready to pay, especially if it doesn’t work the first time! Another downside? Microsort was not approved by the FDA after its’ clinical trials in the US, so if you are in America and want to get this done, you will have to consider going overseas. This could, of course, be even more money out of pocket by the time you factor that in. Sounds a bit creepy & Frankenstein, but if you’re into it – go for it.

Sounds a bit creepy & Frankenstein, but if you’re into it – go for it.


As you can see, there are tons of options available when it comes to trying to conceive a boy. Gone are the days of “luck of the draw” and hoping for the best. Even if it’s not proven to be 100% effective, many women admit that they enjoy the fun of trying to “sway” their baby’s gender one way or another.

Women that are attempting to “sway” their baby’s gender should remember to take everything recommended on the internet with a grain of salt and to know that there is not really a certain, no-fail way to predict a baby’s gender. Otherwise, there wouldn’t be moms to 5 boys or moms of 6 girls, still trying to conceive that elusive alternate sex… But, it sure can be fun to try! Now, get to swaying!

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.