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If you are a fan of MTV’s “Sixteen and Pregnant” you might remember Megan McConnell from the show’s second season. Megan, who gave birth to son Blake during the show’s second season, got married to her boyfriend Nathan Stone. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
The couple divorced in 2012 and Megan retained full custody of Blake. She then started relationship with a guy named Chase, whom she met through her MTV co-star Kayla Jordan. The couple has known each other for a few years, but have only been dating for around 10 months.
That is why it came as such a surprise when Megan recently announced that she was expecting again for the second time. “I was shocked when I found out!” Megan (who’s currently two-months pregnant) says. “I showed Chase the test and just stared at him without saying anything!”
The couple, who are living together already in Colorado, are very happy and excited about this surprise pregnancy, and big brother Blake is also very excited for his new role! “Every day he says, ‘How much did the baby grow?'” Megan said. “He’s so excited. He really wants a sister!” So cute! We are excited for Blake to be able to grow up with a little brother or sister, and it sounds like he is too.
Megan is currently working as a teacher and enjoying her job while she awaits her new little bundle of joy’s arrival. She says she plans to marry Chase one day, but they are not rushing into anything right now. It looks like things are finally falling into place with Megan.
If you don’t remember, she caused a bit of controversy back in 2011 when she started a blog that insinuated that MTV made her lie and that (now ex) husband Nathan Stone was abusive to her. She revealed in a blog post that MTV forced her to lie about a variety of things during her voiceover segments, like her dad’s status in the military, and that the network changed footage to make her boyfriend look bad.
She also wrote a detailed blog post about the demise of her relationship with Nathan, including stories of how he abused her several times. The entire blog was removed after MTV got wind of it and asked Megan to take it down. She stands by her story, however, and says that she would never work with MTV again in the future. We are glad to hear that Megan has moved on from her issues surrounding MTV and her ex husband, and we are glad to see that she is happy.