A really delicate subject to talk about, among so many others can be considered the multiple symptoms with which women deal with within the first nine days after the ovulation period. Usually, a woman that is confronted with this could be two or maybe even three weeks pregnant and could begin to experience early signs and symptoms of pregnancy. It is important to remember that not all women will experience the same symptoms, at the same time. But let’s see the most commonly seen symptoms as early as 9 DPO. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here
One of the most common symptom women can expect to find 9 days past ovulation is the tenderness in the breast area. According to specialists, this is perfectly normal, but this is also one of the most common symptoms of pregnancy in the earliest stage.
Some women can even experience a heavier and fuller chest, while others could just be confronted with a bit of tenderness. Still, there are many women who experience such symptoms before their missed period. So, in order not to mistake these for pregnancy symptoms, you should take a closer look at the darker part around the nipple, the areola, which could appear darker in case of pregnancy and larger, so you can use this as a focus point for you.
One of the most common, but difficult to identify, symptoms that could be seen as early as 9 DPO is the fact that women could feel more tired than they usually are. Yes, we know, you already have a busy life and feel tired every day, so you really have to be careful about this particular symptom. Also extreme fatigue is a sign of early pregnancy because your progesterone level will reach a sky high level which will cause the fatigue. So if you notice you’re sleepier than usual without any particular reason, you could be pregnant.
If you experience mild cramping in the pelvic region, this could also indicate possible pregnancy as early as 9 days past ovulation. However, this one is a tricky symptom, as the same cramping could be also a premenstrual sign of impending menstruation.
If you think you may be pregnant as early as 9 days past ovulation, keep the faith until it is time to take a pregnancy test to determine for sure if it is in fact pregnancy causing these bodily changes. If you need help determining when the best time is to take an at-home pregnancy test, try this pregnancy test calculator to help you.