9 Kitchen Spices to Increase Fertility

9 Spices That Can Increase Fertility

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Anytime a couple decides to expand their families and become ready to achieve a pregnancy, they usually know what steps they must take before they start trying. They know that they have to make that appointment with their doctors for a preconception checkup so that they’ll know if their health is in order to start trying. They may want to look into homeopathic ways like kitchen spices that increase fertility. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here


And, couples who are wanting to try for a baby may even look into additional and safe ways to boost fertility by looking into other homeopathic remedies such as fertility-boosting herbs as well. And, that is absolutely fine, and if it is safe to take when they are trying for a baby, they can most definitely take advantage of that.

However, these couples would also be delighted to know that many of the culinary spices in their kitchen or that they can easily purchase at their local grocery store can actually increase fertility as well. And now that I have your attention, let’s check out 9 of the fertility-boosting common spices for men and women.

You would be surprised to know what spices you can add to your food that will help increase your chances of achieving a pregnancy. And, if you love to cook, you will love to know about what you can make in the kitchen that will help increase your odds of getting pregnant.


Garlic is tasty even though it can be smelly. And, adding garlic to many dishes not only improves its flavor garlicbut it can help you in more ways than you realize. Garlic is a spice that is used among many cultures around the world, and it has so many medicinal properties.

It not only increases your blood circulation but it also relaxes your vessels. That said, in order for you to ensure that your fertility is not hindered in any way is if your blood is circulating in a healthy way, which means it will keep your reproductive organs in top shape. This applies to female and male reproductive organs.

If you are concerned about the fact that you could turn your partner off by having garlic breath, you can easily suck on some mint candies when it is the time to have intercourse because the timing is just right for that!


Turmeric is an Ayurvedic herb and practitioners in Ayurveda history have used this spice to treat many ailments which included fertility. In fact, Turmeric has properties that help repair DNA and has anti-inflammatory properties as well, and it is an excellent liver cleanser. Turmeric helps your body in ways that also keeps your hormones in balance and keeps inflammation in your reproductive organs down. That said, you can always add some of this potent spice on many delicious dinners, which will help boost your fertility as well.


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A great fertility-boosting breakfast will consist of whole-grain toast with some butter (not margarine since itcinnamon is processed), with cinnamon sprinkled on it, with an egg and some berries, with a glass of full-fat milk or a cup of full-fat yogurt. Cinnamon has so many health benefits that you would be surprised to learn about. One big benefit of cinnamon is that it helps normalize blood sugar, and if your blood sugar is at a healthy level, you will increase your fertility because normal blood-sugar helps keep hormones balanced.

And, this is one spice that women with PCOS must take advantage of and enjoy since many women with this condition have insulin resistance which can inhibit ovulation. And, men who have high blood-sugar often have erectile problems. That said, if they sprinkle some cinnamon on their whole-grain toast, they will find that they can finally perform well in the bedroom.


Nettles does not get a lot of notice but there are some healing benefits from this spice, more so for women than men in this case. Nettles has been linked to increasing ovulatory fertility. That said, this is one spice that all women that are trying to conceive must take advantage of because this can help them ovulate each cycle properly.


Cayenne is a potent spice that has so many health benefits. It is firstly an aphrodisiac which will help anycayenne couple that wants to try for a baby since they will both be able to perform well in the bedroom at that key time. It also helps increase metabolism and helps balance hormones and is extremely beneficial for women’s reproductive health.

That said, make sure that you have some cayenne in your kitchen. You can sprinkle just a touch on avocado toast, hot cocoa, or on a sweet potato. But don’t put too much in it because it is a very potent and strong spice. Too much cayenne on anything will cause it to become inedible for that reason.


This spice has so many benefits as it is high in antioxidants which helps repair tissue, especially in theginger reproductive organs, and it also increases blood flow to the lady bits and also helps remove the toxins and it is beneficial for female fertility. It also helps keep eggs safe and keeps them in good quality.

It also has healing properties for women that are pregnant as it can be quite helpful for helping with nausea from morning sickness. And, for women that are not trying for a baby that suffers from bad PMS, ginger has some healing properties for that as well as it makes period cramps easier to handle.


This is a potent spice as well, and it goes well with eggnog even though eggnog is one drink for women thatnutmeg are trying to conceive to stay away from since it contains raw eggs that can cause you to contract salmonella poisoning.

However, it can be sprinkled on other things like on toast (with cinnamon yet). It has many female fertility boosting properties as it helps improve hormones, ovulation, and reduces inflammation. Just make sure you only take a small amount because nutmeg is very potent and if you put too much of the spice on anything, it will be inedible.

Chili powder

Chili powder is another potent spice, but it has a healthy amount of beta-carotene (Vitamin A) which is not only good for your eyesight, bones, teeth, skin and cellular membranes, but it is also excellent to keep your reproductive system healthy. That said, you will have an easier time conceiving if you sprinkle some chili powder on your dishes but don’t sprinkle too much of it either.


Saffron is a potent and very expensive spice that you will find in many Indian and in Middle Eastern dishes, and it has many health benefits. It is one spice that has been used as a remedy throughout Ayurveda historySaffron to heal many ailments.

And, saffron helps to increase fertility for both men and women. It helps women that have irregular cycles and helps to balance their hormones. For men, saffron does not necessarily increase sperm count but it improves the morphology and motility of the swimmers.  

That said, the next time you want to go out to an Indian or Middle Eastern restaurant, you’ll want to order a dish that contains saffron. It may be more expensive but it will help you out if you are trying for a baby.

And, it is a spice to invest in if you order it from health food stores as well so you can add a little in some of your dishes. Yet again, this spice is not only expensive but it is potent so you don’t want to use too much of it in your dishes. It will make your dishes too strong to eat, and you will want to conserve it as much as you can so it will last you a while.


Why not try spices to increase fertility?

These are the 9 spices to increase fertility that are recommended to cook with or to use when you are trying for a baby. These spices will most definitely increase your chances of conception happening quicker rather than later. And, you will want to use these spices for your dishes on a consistent basis in order for it to make an impact! Best of luck with your baby-making journey!

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
