All pregnancies are not normal. There are a few complications that may arise during the course of pregnancy. One such complication is tubal pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, after the sperm fertilizes the egg, the fertilized egg drops to the uterus from the fallopian tube and implants or attaches to the uterine lining. This is known as implantation. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
In a tubal pregnancy, which is also known as ectopic pregnancy, this does not happen. Instead, the fertilized egg implants in another place besides the uterus. More often than not, this place is the fallopian tube itself. This is the reason why it is termed as tubal pregnancy. In extremely rare cases, implantation has been seen in the cervix, abdomen, or ovaries.
If it is detected earlier, it can actually be treated. Early treatment is a must in order to make sure that your future pregnancies are healthy. Here is more information about tubal pregnancies:
The incidence of tubal pregnancies is twenty pregnancies out of a thousand. Tubal pregnancies are more common if you have a damaged fallopian tube or if your tissue is oddly damaged, or if it is scarred. These complications cause the egg a problem in traveling.
As a result the egg does not travel to the uterus and gets stuck in the tube itself. Other reasons behind tubal pregnancies include fallopian tube inflammation, fallopian tube infections, uterine inflammation, uterine infections, and so on.
These problems are caused because of chlamydia or gonorrhea mostly. If you have endometriosis, you are at a higher risk of having a tubal pregnancy. If you get pregnant while using any type of birth control pills or hormonal IUDs, you may have a tubal pregnancy.
The same goes with the use of ovulation stimulation medication. Lifestyle also affects the incidence. Those who smoke or are exposed to constant secondary smoke may also have a tubal pregnancy. If you are over 35 years old or if you have had a tubal pregnancy previously, chances of a tubal pregnancy are higher.
You won’t notice anything different during the early stages because the symptoms often resemble the symptoms of a normal pregnancy. The first warning sign is usually implantation bleeding, which is heavier than it should normally be teamed with lower abdominal pain and cramping on any one side of the body.
These symptoms can get even more severe if you don’t have them checked right away. You will feel severe pain in your neck, shoulder, and pelvis. You will also become lightheaded and you might faint. Constipation is another symptom.
If the tubal pregnancy is not detected and treated right away, it can lead to a life-threatening situation. At the very least, it will alter your life significantly. If it is treated late, it can lead you to losing your fallopian tube or an ovary. The tube may also rupture and this will cause too much blood loss.
A pelvic exam will reveal whether it is an ectopic pregnancy or a normal pregnancy. The hCG levels are also checked through urine and blood tests. If the uterus has not grown in size and the levels of hCG are not increasing as they should, it is confirmed that it is a tubal pregnancy.
The ectopic tissue should be removed immediately to avoid complications, which can be very dangerous. If detected early, you will be injected with methotrexate drug so that the egg does not grow further. The egg dissolves as a result. If the treatment is done in the later stages, a laparoscopic surgery is carried out to remove the ectopic tissue.