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A blighted ovum is a very common pregnancy complication. It is where a pregnancy occurs and the placenta and gestational sac form without an embryo. A blighted ovum will always eventually result in miscarriage, and can be responsible for as many as 50 percent of all first trimester pregnancy losses. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
The good news is that, as soon as you begin ovulating again, it is safe to begin to try to get pregnant again. However there are definitely some things to take into consideration before you decide whether or not you are ready to try to get pregnant again. If, after your blighted ovum, you had to undergo a D&C, the lining of your uterus might be especially thin, and you might be better off if you wait a few months for the lining to replenish before you try to get pregnant again.
One of the most important things that you can do to improve your chances of getting pregnant again after a blighted ovum is to find a way to track your ovulation and figure out when your fertile days are. Also, keep in mind that after you do get pregnant following a blighted ovum, you are not any more likely to suffer from another blighted ovum. Keep these things in mind when you are trying to get pregnant after a blighted ovum.