Amenorrhea after Stopping Birth Control

Amenorrhea after Stopping Birth Control

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One thing that birth control can help control is amenorrhea. In fact, this is one of the most common ways to treat this disorder. However, when a woman is ready to become pregnant, she will need to stop taking her birth control, which can cause amenorrhea to return. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Along with this, there are sometimes issues with women developing amenorrhea after they stop taking a particular birth control. Some brands are designed to last in the system for several months at a time, which can make it difficult for a woman to start a normal cycle after she stops taking it.

There are also some other items that may increase a woman’s chances for developing amenorrhea after stopping birth control. For example, if the woman is obese and trying to get pregnant or loses a lot of weight suddenly, she is more likely to develop this condition.

It is also something that can be affected by a woman’s activity level. If she is exercising too much and for long periods of time, it is possible that amenorrhea will occur. Also, a high level of anxiety or emotional distress can also cause this disorder.

If you have not had a period in a couple of months, it is best to talk to your doctor. When a woman goes an extended period of time without having a period, it is possible that some major health concerns will present themselves.

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
