Anovulation: How to Treat Anovulatory Cycle?

Anovulation: How to Treat Anovulatory Cycle?

Normally, about 14 days after the release of an egg, if the egg has not been fertilized, menstruation occurs. The main reason for a missed period is pregnancy, but there are cases when other factors influence the occurrence of menstruation. For example, during a menstrual cycle, if an egg is not released by the ovaries, menstruation might not appear. It can leave you thinking, “why am I not pregnant?”.  Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here

What is anovulation?

Anovulation refers to the above mentioned situation when ovulation does not occur, meaning that no egg is released during a menstrual cycle. Most of the times, anovulation is associated with a missed period. This disorder is called amenorrhea.

Because the most obvious symptom of anovulation is a missed period, many women who suffer from this disorder mistakenly believe they are pregnant. Their hopes are ruined when they take a pregnancy test and find out they are not, in fact, expecting a baby.

Unfortunately, anovulation is a very common and serious fertility problem. If a woman does not ovulate, she cannot get pregnant. When anovulation is associated with missed periods, she might realize she suffers from this disorder and tries to get help. However, there are many cases in which, despite anovulation, menstruation occurs.

How can I tell I’m not ovulating?

Some women who do not ovulate experience irregular bleeding or spotting they misidentify as their period. However, this type of bleeding is slightly different in color and amount from normal menstruation, and this sign should point to the fact that something might be wrong. Also, in many cases, the bleeding is painless and irregular, but, still, many women continue to think they have their menstruation when, in fact, they suffer from anovulation.

Why don’t I ovulate?

Anovulation can have many causes. Stress, some types of drugs, anxiety, hormonal imbalances, excessive exercise or weight loss might lead to anovulation. As soon as you discover you have an ovulatory problem, you should check with your doctor and find out what caused this disorder.

Depending on the underlying causes, you doctor will offer you different treatment alternatives. Fortunately, there are many modern techniques and treatments for anovulation. Sometimes, anovulation can be treated with medication or regular treatments to help stimulate ovulation.

Find the cause to seek the treatment

Women who cannot become pregnant should suspect anovulation. This is one of the most common fertility problems that leads to the impossibility of getting pregnant. Many women seem to have normal menstruation although they suffer from this disorder. This is what makes detecting anovulation so difficult.

Therefore, if you are planning to have a baby, monitor your periods and, as soon as you notice irregular bleeding or missed periods, visit your doctor and find out what is causing your problem.

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Monica Scott, BS, RN
Monica Scott, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Scott joined ConceiveEasy after working in prenatal obstetrical care for two years in a private practice before being promoted to Director of Nursing. She has a strong interest in women's health with an emphasis on promoting fertility awareness.
