There are numerous different factors that affect the welfare of the mother during her pregnancy and the welfare of the newborn child. These include environmental issues, health issues, lifestyle issues, and so on. For instance, smoking can have an adverse effect right from the beginning. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
It can make getting pregnant really hard because it affects the sperm count and motility. Know that even secondhand smoke is harmful and thus, it doesn’t really matter which of the partners smokes. Smoking can also increase the chances of miscarriages.
If the baby is born successfully, there are high chances of genetic defects. Just like smoking, there are many health issues such as iron deficiency and folic acid deficiency in the mother. Among the many problems that a child could face, autism is a major one.
Autism is a complex condition and sadly, it has not been understood completely yet. Scientists are still at work about this disorder. Autism is the result of a number of causes combined and thus, one can’t point one’s finger at one factor alone.
This syndrome also varies widely based on severity and thus, one can’t come to conclusions easily. Recent studies have however shown that conception plays a role in autism. In other words, the risk of the child being born with autism may be linked to the time of conception in many ways.
Studies have been carried out recently, which have suggested that the factors influencing high autism risks were varied and the date of conception is among these factors. The study showed that the number of autism cases has increased dramatically in the past two decades and this is not just because diagnostics have gotten better in the past twenty years or so. The number of cases has indeed gone up and one of the reasons behind this may be the date of conception.
Apparently, when you conceive can influence the risks of autism. The study showed that children who were conceived in winter had higher rate of the disorder than those who were conceived in summer and at any other time. But does that mean that you don’t try for a baby during the winter? Of course not. This study is just one and it is only the beginning.
A lot of research needs to be done before determining whether there is a solid link between autism risk and conception. For now, you should know that it has statistical significance and that a lot needs to be researched before coming to any conclusion at all.
On your part, you can take a few measures to reduce the risks of autism when trying to be pregnant and during pregnancy too. Lack of folic acid has been affirmatively linked to autism and you can make sure that you are not folic acid deficient by taking folic acid supplements.
By doing so, you will also reduce the risk of miscarriages. Experts have found that supplements taken during the early stages are indeed helpful in curbing the risks of miscarriage and autism while taking the supplement during the later stages has shown no significant effect.