After delivery, you will experience a number of changes in your body. These are common and these changes are not just at the physiological level but also at the psychological level. Many new mothers feel severe helplessness and sadness postpartum and these feeling are known as baby blues. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
These are actually common and you have nothing to worry about. You experience baby blues because of the emotional transition and you should be able to deal with it and also overcome it.
You might start feeling baby blues within a few days of delivery. Some other women feel these feelings after a few months. Baby blues are a result of the changes in levels of hormone in the body. Progesterone and estrogen levels go down after the placenta is delivered and this can lead to depression too.
You will feel apprehensive and dependent and these feelings can worsen if you have no support from your family or your partner. You will feel worried about being a new mom and that anxiety will overwhelm you. You might also feel very sad and lonely. This feeling might fade away in a few minutes or last for a few hours. These feelings will wane within ten days and, thus, you won’t have to deal with them for long.
You may wonder what the symptoms of baby blues are. You will be more sensitive than ever before. You will feel incompetent and you will have mood swings. You will also end up crying for no apparent reason. You also won’t be able to sleep properly.
You will cry ever so often at the smallest of things and sometimes without a reason at all. For some reason, you will also feel disappointed and let down. Your mood swings will be very drastic. One minute you will find yourself really sad and in the next minute you will really be happy out of nowhere. You will also experience extreme fatigue and problems with sleep. Even though your baby is asleep, you won’t be able to catch a break.
You will need the support of your friends, your family, and especially your spouse to overcome baby blues. They should know that you will go through such problems and they should be there to support you and guide you. Simple reassurance from your spouse will help you get back to your feet.
Otherwise, you will hate yourself for crying about every little thing. Your spouse and your family should reassure you that it is normal. You also need encouragement at this point of time. Encouragement will take you a long way and your worries will fade away.
Make sure you eat well even if you don’t feel like it. All the spouses reading this should make sure that they help their partners and encourage them as much as possible. Listen to what they have to say to you and that will ease a lot of worry for them. Don’t let the new mom feel lonely at any point of time.
Remember that baby blues are different from depression. If you feel depressed and sad for more than ten days, you are suffering from severe depression. You will feel fatigued, sensitive, weak, and tensed. This condition can even continue for an entire year. If you feel like that, you should rush to the doctor for help, who may find prescribing an antidepressant as a solution for you.