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The birth control shot, also known as Depo Provera is a very reliable choice for birth control that many women rely on. The Depo Provera shot is sometimes also called “the birth control shot” or just “the shot,” much like hormonal birth control pills are referred to as “the pill.” Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Many women choose Depo Provera as their birth control method of choice for many reasons. It’s especially popular with young women who do not want to have to worry about a birth control method every single day.
This is because with the Depo Provera birth control shot, women only have to worry about birth control four times per year.
The big draw of the Depo Provera shot is that it only needs to be given four times per year, or every three months. This is a big positive when it comes to birth control, as most of the time, you have to worry about birth control every time you have sex (as in with condoms), every day (as with the pill), or every week (as with the birth control patch). Going from that to a form of birth control that you only have to worry about every three months is a big draw for many women, and there is actually less room for error with the Depo Provera shot, as it is administered by a doctor or nurse, instead of at home.
The Depo Provera birth control shot works because it contains the hormone Progestin. The hormone Progestin prevents the body from ovulating.
If a woman isn’t ovulating, there is no way that pregnancy can occur. Getting the shot is easy. Women simply have to make a doctor’s appointment every 12 to 13 weeks (or around three months), and visit their doctor to receive the next dosage of the shot.
As long as women get the shot consistently and on time, it is up to 99.9% effective at preventing pregnancy.
Also, many women who take the shot also stop having periods while they are on the shot. For women who are looking to prevent pregnancy and not trying to conceive, this can be a really great bonus of the shot.
Once a woman decides that she wants to get pregnant, she will probably start thinking about getting off of the birth control shot. This is the first step in getting pregnant. However, it is important to realize that since the shot works for 3 months before you have to get another dose, it stays in the body for quite some time.
It is not like the pill, where you can miss a pill tomorrow and be pregnant the next day!
The Depo Provera shot goes on to prevent pregnancy for quite awhile after you have had your most recent shot. For example, if you get a shot and then you decide a month later you want to try to get pregnant, the shot is already protecting you against pregnancy for another two months. For that reason, it’s important to think ahead and make sure to discuss with your doctor if you see yourself wanting to get pregnant within a year or so of taking the shot.
Since the shot essentially halts all ovulation, it can actually be quite difficult to get pregnant soon after stopping the shot. The bad news of this is that there is no magic formula for getting ovulation to resume and come back. Technically, since the shot only lasts for three months, women might potentially see their periods resume and their ovulation come back at around the three month mark. However, this is not usually the case.
Some women will find that it takes their bodies up to around a year before the hormone completely disappears from the body and ovulation fully resumes.
There really is no rhyme or reason to this, it just simply seems that some women’s bodies have a harder time bouncing back to normal following the shot. A recent study did find that the average amount of time that women take to start ovulating again after being on the Depo Provera shot was ten months, so you might want to keep that in mind.
One of the most important things about getting pregnant after Depo Provera for a woman is going to be the tracking of her ovulation. There is really no way to tell when a woman will resume ovulating and get back on track, but by tracking her ovulation, she will be able to know when it’s time to start trying to conceive again.
Ovulation predictor tests are a really great way for women to know if and when they are ovulating. These tests are readily available both online and in local stores, and they are so easy to use. Much like an at home pregnancy test, ovulation predictor tests use a woman’s urine to detect a certain hormone and see how close to ovulation a woman is.
Each test strip comes with a control line and a test line. Once a woman uses the test and notices that the test line is the same color or darker than the control line, that means that ovulation will usually occur within 24 hours. Since ovulation tests are easy to use, affordable and come in large packs, they are great for women who are trying to conceive after Depo Provera, since women can check their ovulation daily if they want to.
There are other ways to follow fertility and ovulation after stopping the Depo Provera shot. One way is by tracking cervical mucus. Since the hormone Progestin that is in the Depo Provera shot can actually thicken cervical mucus, it can make it really hard to conceive. When the cervical mucus is too thick, it is actually really difficult for the sperm to make it to the egg. Optimal cervical mucus for conceiving is “egg white cervical mucus”, which is clear, stretchy and stringy.
However, when the Depo Provera is still in a woman’s system, cervical mucus will be thick.
By paying attention to her cervical mucus, a woman can really start to notice when she is ovulating again, and it can give her a good clue as to when her fertility has returned. Of course, she will still need to follow up with an ovulation test or another way to confirm ovulation, but paying attention to cervical mucus can give a good idea of when to expect ovulation to resume.
Another way to track ovulation after stopping the Depo Provera shot is by charting your basal body temperature. Basal body temperature is the temperature of the body at rest. To take your basal body temperature, you have to have a special thermometer that measures temperature in very detailed degrees.
You can buy a basal body thermometer at a local drug store, big box store, or you can order one online, or get one free in the TTC Kit.
To start charting your basal body temperature, you will have to take your temperature every single day, before you even get out of bed in the morning. This is to ensure an accurate reading before you start doing your daily activities. Every day when you take your temperature, make note of it and mark it down on your special chart. It will take some time, somewhere around a month or so, to note a pattern.
However, once you have charted your temperature for a month or more, you will notice a spike in your temperature around the same time each month. This temperature spike indicates the surge of hormones in the body, and can show that ovulation will usually occur within 24 hours. It’s really important to chart your temperature for at least a few months, so that you can see a pattern. Again, much like with tracking cervical mucus, charting your basal body temperature can give you a good idea of when ovulation will occur, but will still need to be confirmed just to make sure.
As we have already mentioned, it is pretty much left up to chance when it comes to returning to normal after stopping the Depo Provera shot. Where one woman might begin ovulation and menstrual periods 3 short months after going off the shot, other women might take 9 or 10 months, or even longer. There really is no way to tell, since every woman’s body is different, and everyone reacts differently.
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However, there are some things that you can do to boost your overall health, which might in turn help your ovulation and menstruation to return to normal. First of all, it’s a good idea to take a daily prenatal vitamin to boost your overall health and make sure that you are getting all of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to help you conceive.
Eating a healthy diet is also important, since this sets your body up for success and can make you stronger and more ready to conceive. It’s a good idea to cut out junk food and unhealthy snacks, including sugary sweets like cakes, candy and fast food. Good things to eat instead include fruits and veggies (as many as possible, and organic whenever possible), and whole grains, such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, and whole wheat bread.
When it comes to dairy products, it is actually a good idea to eat full fat dairy products, since low fat dairy products can actually contribute to infertility troubles.
When we are talking about meats, lean meats are best, and chicken and fish are especially good choices. You should also make sure to drink plenty of water as well, since it is so important to health and wellness and can really contribute to fertility. We also already know that water helps to flush toxins out of the body, so drinking lots of water could potentially help bring ovulation back faster.
Are you looking for other ways to help increase your fertility and bring back your ovulation after stopping the Depo Provera shot?
Another helpful tip is to make sure to get plenty of exercise. Exercise helps to regulate hormone and flush toxins from the body as well, so it’s a great idea to get regular exercise in order to keep your body in optimal shape. Also, something you can do is try to reduce stress. Stress is very well known for wreaking havoc on the hormones of the body, so reducing stress can help to regulate the hormones and in turn, make ovulation return sooner. Try to keep these things in mind when you are trying to bring back ovulation after stopping the Depo Provera shot. A healthy body will be more likely to resume ovulation sooner than an unhealthy body.
As you can see, after stopping the Depo Provera birth control shot, it can be kind of a hard time waiting for ovulation to return. It would be so much simpler if there was a set in stone timeframe of when to expect things to get back to normal, but unfortunately, that is just not the case. So, that being said, the best thing that a woman can do after stopping the Depo Provera birth control is to try her best to take good care of her body. Taking good care of her body will go a long way for a woman towards helping for ovulation to return.
However, if a full year has past after stopping the Depo Provera shot, and a woman finds that ovulation has not returned, it is probably a good idea for a woman to see her doctor to figure out what is going on. However, when stopping Depo Provera, the best thing to remember is to be patient and let the body work itself out. It can be a little bit frustrating sometimes, but remaining patient and doing everything possible to have a healthy body will go a long way towards improving fertility after Depo.