Can coffee be responsible for the lack of fertility in women, and if so, why does it happen? Until recently, many studies showed that women who drink more than a cup of coffee on a regular basis have less chances of becoming pregnant, compared with those who do not drink more than a cup per day. But, more recent studies show that even the moderate coffee drinkers register a decrease in fertility as well, or are in danger of losing an existent pregnancy if they drink coffee, regardless the quantity. So you may just want to hold off on the grande lattes, while you’re trying to conceive. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Caffeine can decrease fertility because the caffeine causes blood vessels to tighten, slowing the blood flow to the uterus which may aggravate the process of implanting the egg. Consequently, coffee consumption has an effect over a woman’s fertility or rather a woman’s infertility in this case.
Moreover, the same studies show that men’s ability to conceive decreases because their semen quality is not the same after drinking coffee. How is that possible? There was registered a certain decrease in sperm mobility at the coffee drinkers, which is not necessarily a decisive factor of infertility, but surely it works in its favor.
This being the case, high caffeine foods can also be dangerous. The question that arises now is which are the foods that contain caffeine? Caffeine (or caffeine) is part of the purine alkaloid group, which you can basically find it in coffee, tea, cola nuts, mate and cocoa, soft drinks, energy drinks, chocolate and coffee ice cream. Even some medications may contain caffeine, so it is better to ask your doctor or pharmacist before taking any remedy, if those remedies you are going to use contain any caffeine concentrations.
If you want to give up caffeine, it may be difficult to wean yourself from your chemical dependency and you may end up with some pretty bad headaches, so it’s much better for you to take it slowly. You should increasingly replace your regular coffee with a decaf. In fact, you can replace your custom coffee cup with a cup of hot milk. Not only will you feel better, but your body will actually benefit from the calcium in milk.
Consequently, the best thing you could do if you want to get pregnant is to give up coffee or caffeinated products altogether, and instead include in your diet foods that stimulate your fertility. Especially remember that your diet should be rich in vitamins such as vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E and so one, as well as essential fatty acids and omega 3.