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Antibiotic use is very common in both men and women,and courses of antibiotics are recommended for just about everything these days. However, many men and women are concerned about how these medications affect fertility. Does it cause infertility? A recent study by researchers at the University of Nevada has shown that one very common broad spectrum antibiotic, tetracycline, has been shown to decrease fertility in men who take it. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
It is usually not recommended for women who are pregnant to take tetracycline during their pregnancy, as it has been determined that there is a small risk of damage to the baby when women use this drug while pregnant. However, new research suggests that this antibiotic can damage sperm counts and sperm motility of the men who take it. It is very important that if you are trying to get pregnant, that both you and your partner talk to your doctor extensively about what to expect while you are trying to conceive and how to best balance your fertility.
Your doctor will be able to give you advice on conceiving and help you to determine what your best course of action will be. Antibiotics do not always cause fertility problems, but it is very important that if you do wish to get pregnant, that you stay in close contact with your doctor to help stay up to date with the latest research and maximize your chances of conceiving.