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Cabergoline is sometimes given to women who are not ovulating due to a high level of prolactin in her body. It can also be used for men who are having issues with their reproductive system due to high levels of prolactin as well. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Not only does prolactin cause a woman to stop ovulating, but it can reduce the amount of sperm that the man produces, cause impotence and lower his sex drive as well. For this reason, both men and women have found this to be helpful in the past.
Cabergoline is highly effective and will help the majority of women begin having regular menstrual cycles after they begin taking it. In addition to this, over half of women who begin taking Cabergoline will be able to ovulate regularly as well. For men, Cabergoline is only prescribed when a prolactin producing pituitary tumor has been discovered.
However, even though this drug will help you to ovulate regularly, it is still important to have intercourse at the proper time. This means that you will still need to track your ovulation so that you can use the regular cycles to your benefit. Make sure that you are having intercourse when you are most fertile in order to increase your chances of becoming pregnant.