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In recent years, there have been more and more research and discussion on the topic of gluten. Many people are finding that this substance can cause quite a bit of damage to their bodies. It can also cause quite a few negative side effects in those who are affected by it. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
It is estimated that about 1 out of every 133 people suffer from problems with gluten. While some people aren’t even aware of the problem, many others have significant health concerns. For those who are affected by gluten, it can even cause infertility.
When you are staying away from gluten, there is a specific diet plan you will need to follow. There are a lot of products on the market today that contain gluten, so you will have to be careful. Gluten is actually a protein that is found in many types of foods. Some of the most common areas that it is found is in wheat, rye and barley.
Those who do suffer from gluten related health issues should avoid all foods that contain gluten. When you consume gluten, your digestive system will begin attacking your intestines and could attempt to destroy them. While this will cause many health concerns on their own, this issue could also cause infertility.
To determine if you should avoid gluten you should talk to your doctor. If you are not prone to issues with gluten, then you should have no problem consuming it. However, if you are one of the people in the world who does have gluten problems, early treatment is important.
The longer you put off learning about your gluten issues, the more likely it will be that you will develop fertility issues. This is also true for men who suffer from gluten problems. They are less likely to have good fertility if they have a gluten condition that is not being treated.
Naturally, gluten is not necessarily the only thing you should look at if you are having trouble conceiving. You should also talk to your doctor about other conditions you or your partner may have and determine the best way to treat them. Sometimes taking a look at your lifestyle, nutrition and general health is also important.
The most important thing to do when you are struggling to conceive is to talk to your doctor. It is suggested that you seek medical attention if you have been trying to conceive for over a year and are under the age of 35. You should talk to your doctor after 6 months of trying if you are older than this.