Can I Get Pregnant With Creamy Cervical Mucus?

Can I Get Pregnant With Creamy Cervical Mucus?

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Cervical mucus is something that can be important when it comes to becoming pregnant. While it is not a requirement, it is something that will protect the sperm and help make it easier for the sperm to swim to the egg in order to fertilize it. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Over the course of the month, there are many changes that cervical mucus can go through. Usually, it is fertile when the mucus is thin, abundant, and has a consistency like egg whites.  Tracking your cervical mucus changes throughout your cycle will be an important indicator of your ovulation cycle. If this is not the case, the cervical mucus may not be healthy.

Creamy cervical mucus may cause issues if it is the type that will actually prevent sperm from reaching the egg. This is usually referred to as anti-sperm and is the result of an infection or sometimes taking certain types of medication. Your doctor may want to give you a prescription to help get rid of unhealthy cervical mucus and to help you conceive easier.

There are also products that you can use to help replace unhealthy cervical mucus and that mimic healthy and fertile cervical mucus. One of the most popular types of products is called Pre-seed. This is a lubricant that can actually be used to trick the body into thinking that it is healthy, fertile cervical mucus.

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Lindsey Zaldivar
Lindsey Zaldivar | ConceiveEasy
Lindsey lives in Roselle, Illinois with her husband and son Harry. In between keeping up with a busy toddler, she enjoys blogging about parenting, cooking, crafting at The Accidental Wallflower.
