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Having a monthly cycle is an important part of becoming pregnant. Women need to be able to know that they are ovulating so that they can have intercourse during this time. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Typically, our period is the indicator that we are ovulating regularly. When our periods are irregular, it can be difficult to determine when we are ovulating. It is really important to track ovulation with irregular periods.
The important thing to remember is that your period is not always directly tied to your ovulation cycle. In fact, it is possible to ovulate without having a period at all. In order to determine if you are ovulating regularly, you should use a basal thermometer or an ovulation predictor kit. These are accurate ways to track ovulation.
If you are not ovulating, there are medications that you can take that will help you become regular once more. Your doctor will be able to discuss your options with you, but the most popular drug is Clomid. There are also over the counter supplements that can help to make you more regular as well.
One thing to note, if you are planning to take over the counter supplements, it could take some time before they become effective. Usually, these supplements work to make your entire system healthier, which could take a few months to accomplish.