Can I get Pregnant with White Discharge?

Can I get Pregnant with White Discharge?

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The health of your cervical mucus is important when you are trying to conceive. Cervical mucus can help to make the journey sperm take towards the egg easier. It can also help protect the sperm during this journey, making it more likely that the egg will become fertilized when the sperm reach it. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

However, there are many types of cervical mucus and not all of them are helpful. The best kind of cervical mucus is the type that is stretchy and resembles egg whites. It is also good if you have cervical mucus that is watery or extremely thin.

For women who are having a white discharge, this could mean that your cervical mucus is not fertile. In fact, some women find that their cervical mucus actually works against sperm when it is of this consistency.

You can improve the health of your cervical mucus a few different ways. For starters, take a look at the medication you are taking. Some types of medication will negatively affect your cervical mucus and make it harder to conceive.

Also, it is a good idea to drink more water throughout the day. This can help to thin out your cervical mucus and make it more fertile. Some women also find that taking Robitussin helps for this purpose as well.

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Lindsey Zaldivar
Lindsey Zaldivar | ConceiveEasy
Lindsey lives in Roselle, Illinois with her husband and son Harry. In between keeping up with a busy toddler, she enjoys blogging about parenting, cooking, crafting at The Accidental Wallflower.
