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There are many reasons that you will be able to improve your chances of becoming pregnant if you stop smoking. For starters, it has been shown to cause issues with ovulation. Women who smoke regularly find that they are not ovulating regularly or are not ovulating at all. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Another issue that women who smoke face is an increased chance of a miscarriage. Even if they stop smoking when they become pregnant, they will be more likely to have a miscarriage than those women who are not smokers.
Men also have issues when it comes to smoking while they are trying to become pregnant. They are more likely to have sperm that is not healthy and may find that their sperm is not plentiful. It is also possible that the sperm will not be able to move around as needed.
You should also keep in mind that second hand smoke is just as harmful for fertility as smoking yourself. For this reason, it is best for all members of the household to stop smoking when you are trying to conceive. Not only will this help you to improve your health, but it will help make becoming pregnant easier and will help make sure that the baby is healthy in the long run as well.