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Both cephalopelvic disproportion and obstructed labor are issues that women can develop when they go into labor. However, there are some differences between the two. For example, cephalopelvic disproportion is when the baby’s head is too big to fit through the pelvis of the mother. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
The most common way to treat cephalopelvic disproportion is by delivering the baby by c-section rather than vaginal birth. This condition is often caused when the pelvis of the woman is small or is not shaped correctly. It can also be caused by the baby being larger or being born past the due date. One of the most common symptoms of this condition is a failure to progress in a pregnancy.
With obstructed labor, the woman’s uterus will not be contracting normally. This causes the pelvis to be blocked and the baby will not be able to pass through. This could be caused by a large baby or one that is positioned abnormally. A small pelvis could also be an issue. A c-section is also necessary when women have this condition.
If the condition goes untreated, it is possible that the baby will not get enough oxygen during the labor process. This could lead to birth defects and even death.