Cephalopelvic Disproportion vs Fetopelvic Disproportion

Cephalopelvic Disproportion vs Fetopelvic Disproportion

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Cephalopelvic disproportion and fetopelvic disproportion are two condition that can develop with a baby before it is born. With cephalopelvic disproportion, this simply means that the baby’s head is too big to fit through the pelvis of its mother. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

This can occur due to a number of reasons. For example, some women have small pelvic areas or it is shaped differently. It is also possible that the baby is simply bigger than average. Sometimes this condition is related to the length of time that the mother has been pregnant as well. Going past her due date can cause the baby to be bigger.

Fetopelvic disproportion is a similar condition and is determined when the baby is unable to pass through the pelvis. One reason that this may be the case is because of the size of the head, but there are also other reasons. When women have this condition, any contraction that they have will make it harder for the baby to pass through.

Fetopelvic disproportion often leads to a prolonged labor and can cause injury to the baby if it is born naturally. Because of this, it is best to have a cesarean section when doctors determine that the baby has fetopelvic disproportion.

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Lindsey Zaldivar
Lindsey Zaldivar | ConceiveEasy
Lindsey lives in Roselle, Illinois with her husband and son Harry. In between keeping up with a busy toddler, she enjoys blogging about parenting, cooking, crafting at The Accidental Wallflower.
