Male factor infertility. It’s a possible cause of infertility in up to 50 percent of cases, however, many couples overlook it as an issue. Why is this? One reason is that many couples just don’t honestly realize how prevalent male factor infertility is. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
They might think that they only need to be concerned about female fertility issues, but that is not the case. Another reason is that men are sometimes afraid or reluctant to seek out male fertility testing. They think that it might be invasive, painful, scary, or uncomfortable. So, what is the real deal? How does a semen analysis compare to female fertility tests? Read on to find out more.
There is no comparison: female fertility tests are much harder than male fertility tests. For women, fertility testing involves many steps, most of them invasive, and sometimes painful. Women usually start off with basic tests when dealing with infertility, from a complete physical to a gynecological exam to blood work and family histories.
Doctors will also usually want to do an ultrasound (either transvaginally or on the stomach) to check for ovaries and cysts. Sometimes women also need to undergo procedures like Hysteroscopy, which places a camera through the cervix and into the uterus.
Diagnostic laparoscopy is probably the most painful and invasive of the fertility tests, and is only done after all other options have been exhausted. This isn’t even considering the actual fertility treatments, which may include painful injections, hormone altering medications, and other uncomfortable treatments.
So, how does male fertility testing like semen analysis compare to the fertility tests that women have to undergo. While women have to undergo several different tests, for men, there really aren’t that many different tests that men have to undergo.
Aside from a family history, blood work, and a regular physical, the main fertility test for men is the semen analysis. For the semen analysis, a man is asked to abstain from ejaculating for 2-4 days. Once arriving at the clinic, the man is asked to masturbate into a sterile cup or bottle that is sent the lab for testing.
While for most men, this is considered to be a little embarrassing, it is not painful or scary, and it is an easy test to undergo. The semen sample is sent to the lab, where it is tested for sperm concentration or sperm count, sperm motility or movement, sperm morphology, or the size and shape of the sperm, the total motile count, the semen ph and the white cell count in the semen. These are the things that the man has to deal with during the semen analysis test.
As you can see, female fertility tests are much more invasive and uncomfortable than male fertility tests. While masturbating in a cup might be embarrassing, it’s not a painful test. Sometimes, the doctor will ask that the test be performed on two different days to confirm the results. Sometimes, men can use one of the at-home sperm testing kits that are on the market today.
These tests are inexpensive and available at drugstores nationwide, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. These sperm test kits are great for couples who are just starting their fertility journey, and even for men who just want to know what’s going on with their sperm.