Does Metformin Increase Fertility When you Have PCOS?

Does Metformin Increase Fertility When you Have PCOS?

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PCOS is a common condition that causes anovulation in women. This means that the egg is not released regularly, which makes it difficult for a woman to conceive. Women with this condition develop several tiny cysts on their ovaries that can cause their eggs to not be released. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

While there are many different treatment methods for PCOS, one newer options is an oral medicine called Metformin. This drug is most commonly used to treat diabetes, but it has been shown to be very effective for women with PCOS.

Many times, doctors will prescribe both Metformin and Clomid, which can increase the chances that ovulation will occur. However, this is not always effective and other combinations are sometimes relied on.

Metformin is also a great option for women who are taking injectable FSH medication because it has been shown to help ease the side effects from these types of drugs. For the most part, Metformin doesn’t produce many serious side effects, but some women have discovered that it upsets their stomach.

Many women are unsure how to get pregnant with PCOS. While you are taking Metformin, it is suggested that you have intercourse every other day. This will help you to ensure that sperm will be present when the egg is ready to be fertilized. You should also track your ovulation to make sure that you are ovulating as well.

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Dr. Renee Hanton, MD
Dr. Renee Hanton, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Renee Hanton is ConceiveEasy's Senior Physician with expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of infertility. Dr. Hanton specializes in the endocrine causes of infertility, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
