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Erectile dysfunction is a very common problem for many men. It can be a very hard thing to deal with, and if a couple is trying to conceive, erectile dysfunction can have an even worse effect. If a man has trouble maintaining an erection long enough to have intercourse, that can obviously present a problem where conceiving a baby is concerned. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Many couples who suffer from erectile dysfunction wonder how it might affect their chances of conceiving a baby, and what the options actually are for people in this situation. Luckily, there are ways around this issue, and having a baby is still possible if your husband has erectile dysfunction problems.
One way that doctors can treat erectile dysfunction is by the use of medications like Viagra, Cialis and Levitra. These medications can help couples so that they are able to have intercourse to improve their chances of conceiving. IUI and IVF are also great options for couples who are suffering from ED.
These assisted reproductive techniques make it possible for sperm to be injected into the cervix or uterus directly, so sexual intercourse is not required. Also, adoption is always an option for couples who find that they can not overcome the difficulties associated with erectile dysfunction enough to get pregnant.