When you think of hormones you probably think of feeling stressed out, bloated, tired and so forth. Hormones most of the time are just little problematic instigators that bring about PMS and menstruation, but for a woman who is trying to conceive hormones play a larger part in the conception process than most people think. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Reproductive hormones are the backbone of the conception process, creating a change of events that allows the body to prepare for the possibility of conception, and without them getting pregnant just isn’t a possibility, but what hormones play a part in conception and why?
This hormone starts in your head, created and distributed by the hypothalamus, which signals the pituitary gland to begin production of other hormones that help in the conception process. GnRH is actually the hormone that most pregnancy tests look for as it starts to become more pronounced as an embryo develops and implants itself onto the uterine lying.
Once GnRH has been released by the hypothalamus, it signals the pituitary gland to begin secreting the FSH and LH hormones which regulate the ovaries such as releasing estrogen, maturing eggs, ovulation and more. LH is the hormone that is oftentimes the indicator that a woman is ovulating and is the key hormone that is tested for in ovulation kits.
These three hormones are steroids and are vital parts to the conception process. Estrogen and progesterone are secreted by the ovaries and signals two organs in the body. They signal the pituitary gland to either increase or decrease the secretion of FSH and LH hormones based upon factors such as ovulation, menstruation and conception, while signaling the uterus to begin thickening the uterine lying for a potential egg implantation.
The hormones released during the ovulation cycle act as both big and small activators to the ovulation and conception process. Once the cycle has gone through, the ovulation begins as the egg is released from its follicle. If the egg is fertilized, the hormones begin to even out or increase depending on their need for the gestation process and if the egg isn’t fertilized the progesterone in the body begins to fall which signals the hypothalamus to begin the process all over again.