The concept is defined as the natural capability of producing offspring and it depends on various important factors, such as nutrition, lifestyle, medical problems and even emotions and timing. The hormonal cycles determine the most fertile period for a woman and the most virile period for a man, and if the timing is perfect, a pregnancy occurs. Of course, there are many other relevant factors which can influence pregnancy. Age is particularly crucial, as well as both partners’ health. Physical condition, stress and fatigue may also give you a hard time when trying to conceive. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here!
This is an issue that concerns both the man and the woman. Even if men produce sperm all month long, there are certain periods when the sperm quality lowers. It is thought to be a matter of their internal cycle, but if intercourse happens during this period, pregnancy is unlikely to occur.
As far as women are concerned, they need to be sure about their ovulation period, which is the most fertile period of the month. Ovulation is specific to each woman, and it also varies from cycle to cycle. Once the egg is released from the ovary, it can only be fertilized within 48 hours. On the other hand, sperm only survives inside the uterus up to three or four days. Taking these details into account, the couple can figure out when it is the right time to conceive.
No matter how hard you try, pregnancy tests keep turning negative. It is best not to panic and to try to maximize your chances and eliminate all the negative factors.
First of all, eliminate everything that might cause stress and anxiety. Try to relax and think positively. If you want to boost your chances, change your lifestyle and live healthier. Get to know your body well and involve your partner more. You both need to get well informed about getting pregnant. Keep in mind that this is a “game for two”.
Make sure there is nothing on your medical history that may cause problems concerning conception. Although it might just be a timing issue, a lot of couples discover that they have a fertility problem. If this is the case, it is advisable that you seek medical advice, and it is more likely that you need specific treatment. Some of the treatments are simpler and refer to either drugs meant to establish the hormonal balance or surgery to deal with blocked fallopian tubes, genetic defects, cysts, endometriosis, fibroids, etc. The more advanced fertility treatments and, of course, the more expensive ones, involve:
artificial insemination with collected sperm from the partner;
artificial insemination with sperm from a donor;
in vitro fertilization (IVF)
All these treatments need time and sometimes lead to disappointment, anger, frustration and even despair. It is very important that the two partners support each-other, so that they can cope with their fertility problems and finally be able to have a baby.