Fertility and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

Fertility and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

A great number of women suffer from a condition known as PCOS, which basically stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. This condition causes an imbalance in the hormone levels. This, in turn, affects your body in a number of ways – particularly your menstrual cycle. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

In some cases, PCOS manifests without symptoms, but this does not mean that it should be neglected. Women with this problem develop fluid-filled sacs or cysts on their ovaries. This causes abnormalities in the functioning of ovaries and it greatly affects a woman’s ability to conceive.

So, how can you tackle the problem of fertility and PCOS? There are various ways to solve this problem, and they range from modern medication and procedures to natural herbs. If you are adept at the use of homeopathic treatments, then the second alternative is going to be the most suitable. The use of herbs is a common way to treat PCOS for a number of reasons. Doctors from both Eastern and Western countries have proven their effectiveness. Here are the 3 top herbs that can help alleviate the problem of fertility and PCOS.

Vitex Agnus Castus

Numerous studies and many scientists advocate for the effectiveness of this herb. Its main role is to regulate the androgens levels in a female body. Consumed on a regular basis, it will improve the function of the pituitary gland. Most women who followed a treatment with Vitex Agnus Castus claimed that their menstrual cycle has been regulated and many of them were even able to conceive.

Dong Quai

Though the name might seem rather odd, this herb is very useful in increasing the chances to conceive. The herb has the ability to balance your estrogen level, which is the cause of infertility in many cases. It is advisable to take the herb during ovulation and menstruation.

Siberian Ginseng

This plant is also known as eleuthero, and it is said to boost energy, increase longevity and provide more strength to the human body, increasing overall health. But the Siberian Ginseng can also restore fertility. It contributes to an improved libido and a better sex life. Moreover, it can be used as a tonic to help the reproductive cycles.

Dandelion root

This is not an expensive treatment but its results are extremely effective. You should take dandelion root daily, from the second week of your cycle up until the start of menstruation. It will help clean your liver and solve your infertility and menstrual problems.

Fertibella Conceiveeasy

FertiBella ConceiveEasy is clinically proven effective in overcoming the most common obstacles to conception, and has been demonstrated in limited studies to help women conceive who have PCOS. Fertibella Conceiveeasy is a monthly reproductive support system, currently with 12 different monthly blends meant to support a woman’s reproductive needs throughout her entire trying to conceive journey. Blended from a mix of fertility boosting vitamins, minerals and herbs, Fertibella is an all-natural fertility supplement available without the side effects or high cost of alternative fertility drugs.

If you suffer from PCOS and are struggling to conceive, try out these so-called herbs for PCOS and you will be surprised of the results!

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Maureen Stephens, BS, RN
Maureen Stephens, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Stephens has spent over twenty years in the healthcare world, specializing in obstretical and medical/surgical nursing. She joined ConceiveEasy as she has a strong interest in educating and empowering women and promoting fertility awareness.
