Fertility Boosting Gemstones to Increase Your Fertility

Fertility Boosting Gemstones to Increase Your Fertility

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There are many gemstones that will help boost your fertility. One of the most popular are rose quartz crystals. These can be added to either your bedroom or your wardrobe and will help increase fertility. Traditionally, these were used in the Asian culture, but have also been shown to increase compassion and emotional healing in western cultures. There are many ways to boost your fertility with gemstones. Claim Your 20 Free. Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Moonstones are also a popular gemstone that will help improve what is known as feminine energy. It is also thought that these will help balance the hormones, which can help make it easier to conceive. An Amethyst can also be known to help increase fertility as well.

A Carnelian is a gemstone that is worn by women who are trying to conceive because they can help improve creativity and fertility. Jades can be worn for women who are looking to conceive and who also are looking for protection.

Another popular gemstone is a unakite, which can both protect and balance the immune system. Many believe that if any of the gemstones listed above are shaped like an elephant that the woman’s chances of conceiving are even greater. Those shaped like rabbits are also helpful when trying to conceive. For best results, you can mix the gemstones together because one may work better for you than another.

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
