For approximately 20 percent of women, fertility drugs are the only option for achieving pregnancy. Fertility drugs are designed primarily to treat women with ovulation difficulties, and are also an important part of the IVF procedures. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Nearly all types of medication have side-effects, and fertility drugs are no exception. These side-effects can range from mild discomfort to serious problems, which might even lead to hospitalization. There are two types of fertility drugs: the ones that are given as a pill (like Clomid) and the ones that are typically injected.
Generally, fertility drugs in pill form tend to have more side-effects than the injectable ones. Of course, fertility drugs side effects are not the same for everyone; since each woman’s drug protocol is unique, the way these side-effects manifest differs from patient to patient.
One common side-effect of all fertility drugs is the risk of multiple births, which occurs when more than one fetus is carried to term, during one pregnancy. Even though this is listed as a side-effect, it is not necessarily a bad thing to have more than one baby at once. Many women search in vain on how to have twins! To most patients who have been trying for a long time to conceive, having twins for instance, will seem as a blessing.
Another side-effect which is common to most fertility drugs is that they cause moodiness or mood-swings and in a small percentage of women, they can even cause depression.
Each fertility drug also comes with a specific set of side effects, and it is always good to know what they are, so you can identify the culprit if you are unwell. So let’s see what the specific fertility drugs side effects are, that occur more often.
The side-effects that occur most often during the treatment with Clomid, include weight gain, severe hot flashes, nausea, bloating and breast tenderness. In rare cases, side-effects include alopecia, uterine bleeding or vision-problems. While there are women who feel lousy while under a treatment with Clomid, others may not even experience one side-effect of this drug.
This type of fertility drugs has considerably fewer side-effects than Clomid, but they too are to be taken seriously. Side-effects which include tenderness, infection, swelling or bruising at the injection site are easy to treat and also not extremely serious. There are however side-effects of this drug such as ovarian hyper-stimulation, which may involve fluid build-up in the abdominal cavity. While the occurrence of such side-effects is very rare, more grave cases will require hospitalization.
There are three ways of administering this drug, and side-effects vary accordingly. Oral progesterone is said to cause sleepiness and dizziness, the bio-adhesive progesterone gel can cause vaginal irritation and the suppositories may be uncomfortable. During pregnancy, the use of synthetic progesterone should be stopped, because it may lead to an increased risk of birth defects and is therefore not considered safe.
In case you experience the more serious side-effects from the ones listed above, you must see your doctor about them to make sure you don’t risk irreversible damage to your health.