If you are battling infertility and trying to get pregnant, you have certainly been told to chart your cycles, and to use an ovulation calender. However, for most people, this process is tricky, tedious, and often downright confusing! Well, the folks at FertilityFriend have come up with a great, simple, and easy way to take the guesswork out of this process! Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
FertilityFriend is an online web site dedicated to helping you track your cycles, and pinpoint when you are your most fertile! One of the best things about FertilityFriend is that it is all online, there is no software to download and you can get started right away.
The folks at FertilityFriend offer both a free version and a “VIP” paid version that is very affordable. The VIP version does more of the tracking and charting work for you, while the free version leaves it more in your hands. Both versions will work though, if you put the effort into them.
If you are not sure where to begin with TTC, the folks at FertilityFriend have developed a series of videos to introduce you to the basics. All it takes is 25 minutes to learn fertility charting! (So says the website!) They have tons of FAQ’s and community support to help answer any questions that you might still have. All you need to get started is the website and a BBT thermometer. The easy to understand instructions on the FertilityFriend website will take care of the rest.
There are a ton of women who swear by FertilityFriend and its services. They offer some of the most comprehensive fertility tracking services that are available online, and they have a ton of educational tools if you are inexperienced in this field! They also have forums and chat so you can connect with other women who are dealing with the same things as you are.
It is nice to have some support, and FertilityFriend makes it easy to get that support. A really cool feature that they have is that you can share your fertility chart with other people on the site, so you can compare and get feedback from others.
FertilityFriend can be an awesome resource if you are looking into tracking your cycles and working on your ovulation chart. They not only provide the tools to get you started on your journey, but the help, support and feedback that are also needed. It is a way to bring technology into fertility issues and to take control of your own reproductive health.
Have any of you ever used Fertility Friend’s services? We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions!