Women and men looking forward to conceive need to take into account vitamin supplements. Not only are they a prerequisite to a healthy female reproductive system, they are also very useful in enhancing fertility too. Knowing precisely which vitamins positively affect male and female fertility is crucial with regard to achieving the goal of conceiving and carrying the pregnancy to term. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
Vitamin E is the vitamin of choice for the overall male and female reproductive system. For women, the fertility-friendly vitamin E improves the quality of cervical mucus, thus enhancing the chances of implantation of the fertilized eggs.
And moreover, it prolongs the sperm’s life within the female a couple more days, so as to increase the chances for the egg to be fertilized. For men, a daily intake of vitamin E is recommended in order to enhance sperm motility. Natural sources of vitamin E are green vegetables, such as spinach and broccoli, wheat germ oil, nuts and almonds, olive and sunflower oil.
This excellent antioxidant also aids in both male and female fertility, given the key part it plays in conception. For men, it counteracts the damaging effects of free radicals on the quality of the sperm and increasing their motility. For women, vitamin C sustains an appropriate female endocrine equilibrium and increases fertility in particular in the case of women having low progesterone levels.
It also reinforces the right balance between estrogen and progesterone levels. Clinical trials on women have proven that the chances of getting pregnant doubled following the vitamin C treatment. Vitamin C can be found in natural food sources like oranges, lemons, limes, broccoli, cranberries, and tomatoes.
Folic acid is an essential vitamin both during pre-conception and pregnancy, as it can prevent spina-bifida in your baby, and other birth defects associated with the brain and spine development in the baby. In addition, this vitamin promotes sustainable fertility in women and prepares their bodies for pregnancy. Supplementation with this vitamin is very beneficial, since only 50% of the folic acid found in the ingested food can be properly absorbed by the human body. Natural sources include spinach, broccoli, beet, and asparagus. Supplementation doses are 400 mcg per day.
Vitamin B6 offers additional support in terms of increased fertility because it balances out the hormone levels. Vitamin B6 focuses mainly on correcting low progesterone levels of women affected by luteal phase defect, in which their luteal phases are not long enough to sustain a successful pregnancy. A normal progesterone level is essential to keep up the pregnancy otherwise it could lead to a miscarriage. Vitamin B6 can be found naturally in most vegetables, whole cereals and bananas. Supplementation doses suggest 50mg a day.
A key vitamin to increase your fertility, Vitamin B12 enhances the occurrence of ovulation, being particularly helpful to women not ovulating at all, making it harder to try to conceive. Vitamin B12 also improves the inner lining of the uterus, thus creating a favorable environment for the implantation of the fertilized eggs. A B-complex vitamin can be added to your daily intake, to bring sufficient amounts of both Vitamins B6 and B12.
Vitamin D is essential to both male and female fertility. It stimulates the levels of estrogen and progesterone, regulates menstruation and improves the viability of sperm, therefore enhancing a successful outcome. In addition, Vitamin D is an essential vitamin during pregnancy with studies showing its use vastly decreasing the risk of preterm labor as well as the risk of other pregnancy complications.
Fatty acids like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are very helpful in female fertility and during pregnancy. Having a sufficient level of fatty acids in your system is may prevent miscarriage and premature delivery. Natural sources of these fatty acids most commonly include flaxseeds, fish oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, seeds and nuts, and avocado.
Other supplements extremely helpful to women and men keen on becoming parents include a handful of fertility-boosting minerals like zinc, selenium and iron which ensure the normal balance of estrogen and progesterone levels. The proper vitamin supplementation is important for any couple trying to overcome difficulties related to their fertility and is as easy as adjusting your diet and looking into adding a vitamin supplement to your daily regime.