Fetal Distress in Labor and Delivery

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When a baby is compromised while the mother is in labor or delivery, this means that fetal distress has occurred. To determine this, doctors will evaluate the fetal heart rate during labor by using fetal monitoring. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

There are several different ways that the baby can be monitored during this time. For example, there are hand held devices that can be used called a Doppler device. There is also a both an external and an internal electronic fetal monitoring device that can be used. It is also possible to monitor the baby with a fetoscope.

Another reason that doctors may suspect fetal distress is if there is evidence of meconium, which is fetal stool, in the amniotic fluid. There are several causes for fetal distress. Some of the most common causes are issues due to the stress of the labor, problems with the umbilical cord, reactions to certain types of medication and fetal anomalies.

Depending on the specific issue that is causing the problem, there are many ways that the mother can be treated. In some instances, an emergency c-section will be necessary. However, in other instance, doctors may simply need to administer oxygen to the mother or have her change positions.

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Brittany Null
Brittany Null | ConceiveEasy
Brittany lives in Kansas City, where she and her husband Austin are the proud parents of a newborn baby girl. You can subscribe to their lively and entertaining YouTube Channel to follow along on their journey.
