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Fetal compromise refers to the circulation of the blood for the baby. When there is poor circulation of the blood, this could lead to mental handicaps and other issues with the baby. One of the best ways to determine if the baby has been compromised is to monitor it with a Doppler monitoring device. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
When a baby is in distress, this could occur at any time in the pregnancy. One of the most common issues that causes fetal distress is a lack of oxygen in the fetus. This can also cause mental handicaps and even death if it is not treated properly.
Doctors will need to monitor the baby for distress and compromise during the delivery process. It is possible that the baby will need to be born through an emergency c-section is either become apparent. Both are most commonly monitored by using a Doppler monitoring device.
Another sign that the baby could be in distress is if meconium is found in the amniotic fluid. The mother may also notice that the baby is not moving around as much as it was in the past. One of the most common times that distress or compromise is seen is during a contraction. During this time, the baby’s heart rate may drop dramatically if it is in trouble.