An online ovulation calculator is really helpful when trying to conceive and get pregnant fast. You’ll definitely want to know when you’re ovulating. And you can do it yourself, with your calendar, the old fashioned way but a lot of times it’s easy to just go online and have someone do it for you and it can be a little bit more accurate that way. Claim Your 20 Free Ovulation Tests – Click Here!
So what you’re going to want to do is find a website of some sort. I think I used but you can just google it and type in ovulation calculator. And it’s going to bring up a site and the first thing they’re going to ask is when is the first day of your period, usually. And then when did it end. And then it’s also going to ask you are you on like a 28 days cycle, are you on, it just depends.
Now, a good site will give you the option to change because not everyone’s cycle is exactly 28 days. Some people’s cycle is shorter than that, some people, it’s longer. So, you’re just going to want to, you know, guess to me and in your mind think-is my cycle usually 28? Is it usually 30? Just get as close as you can, when I used it, my cycle was pretty on track but it wasn’t every month. It wasn’t always 28 days, sometimes would be a little shorter, or a little less. So just guess to me and don’t stress out too much about it.
And then it’ll calculate for you when you’re ovulating so it’ll tell you what day of the month the next month, that you’re ovulating, just really helpful when trying to have a baby. So you can schedule when you’re going to, you know, have sex and try to get pregnant. You may also download fertility apps like Glow and Ovacue.
So I hope these tips have been helpful and this is Brittany with Until next time, it’ll talk to you guys later!