Getting Pregnant With A Prolapsed Uterus

Getting Pregnant With A Prolapsed Uterus

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What Is A Prolapsed Uterus?

A prolapsed uterus occurs when the uterus falls or drops from its position in the pelvis and slides down into the vaginal canal. If a woman has had multiple subsequent pregnancies, this is a good indicator that she might have to deal with a prolapsed uterus later on down the line. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Weak or damaged pelvic floor muscles are the cause of prolapsed uterus. Kegel exercises can help to build up the pelvic floor muscles and help to strengthen the body’s entire core. In some very advanced cases, doctors will recommend surgery to combat a prolapsed uterus.

Most of the time the surgery recommended to correct this problem is a hysterectomy, so women should not undergo the surgical procedure unless they are for sure done with having children.

What Does A Prolapsed Uterus Mean For Fertility?

The truth of the matter is that many women have a displaced uterus, whether it be a tilted uterus, a uterine prolapse or something else. Just because a woman has a prolapsed uterus doesn’t mean that she won’t be able to get pregnant. In fact, many women don’t have any trouble at all getting pregnant with a prolapsed uterus.

If there is any trouble at all, it doesn’t usually come at the getting pregnant state, it would come later when a woman was already pregnant. Pregnancy, when you have a uterine prolapse, is often uncomfortable and sometimes even painful. However, it is something that many women have done and continue to do and doesn’t seem to cause too much of a pregnancy problem.


The Truth Of The Matter

Doctors usually say that there is no problem with a woman getting pregnant with uterine prolapse. The problem can come later when a woman experiences a painful pregnancy, or after pregnancy when the effects of the prolapse are being felt.

Some women are even encouraged to undergo a hysterectomy to correct the prolapse once they are done having children. If you think that this might be a problem for you, make sure to talk with your doctor so that you can see what your potential options are for getting this condition corrected.

Remember that most of the time, uterine prolapse does not have any effect on fertility and women should be able to get pregnant normally and have a relatively normal pregnancy even if they do suffer from this condition. There is help out there if you do have this condition, and make sure to talk to your doctor for help.

Also, if you suffer from a prolapsed uterus, please note that there are tons of message boards, online support groups, and help centers that you can contact for support and tips on dealing with the condition.

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Dr. Christine Lee, MD
Dr. Christine Lee, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Christine Lee earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology and Master of Science in Biomolecular Organization. Dr. Lee is Lab Director for ConceiveEasy and is board certified as a High Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
