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It might be a crazy claim, but a nutrition specialist named Dr. Emma Derbyshire says that giving up alcohol and caffeine when trying to conceive can actually be “as good as IVF”. Dr. Derbyshire claims that women who drink alcohol and consume caffeine are more likely to conceive by simply stopping the intake of those substances than they are by attending a fertility clinic. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
She says that 32 percent of women who had trouble getting pregnant became pregnant after simply giving up stimulants, while on 33 percent got pregnant after receiving IVF. These odds indicate that giving up alcohol and caffeine when trying to conceive can actually work just as good as pursuing IVF treatments.
Dr. Derbyshire, who works at Manchester Metropolitan University, claims that quitting smoking is just as important to a woman’s fertility as a healthy diet is. Some studies have shown that smoking can delay a woman’s conception by up to two months, which is a very long time when you are trying to conceive.
The amount of alcohol and caffeine also matters. Dr. Derbyshire says that the odds of conceiving fall from 60 percent in women who have one to five alcoholic drinks per week, to only 30 percent in women who consume more than ten alcoholic drinks per week.
Experts agree that while a few drinks now and then will not have much of an effect on conception, excessive drinking definitely can. Make sure to pay attention to your alcohol intake when trying to get pregnant.
Caffeine is also something to pay close attention to when trying to conceive. No more than 300 mg, which is the equivalent to three cups of coffee or tea, should be used when trying to conceive.
Caffeine has been shown that it has the potential to harm the unborn baby because the chemicals can cross the placenta, and the fetus cannot easily metabolize caffeine the way that we can. The bottom line is that if you can cut back on both alcohol and caffeine while you are trying to conceive, you are really going to increase your chances of getting pregnant, and you are really going to make it easier to conceive.
Your body will thank you for taking away some of the hurdles that stand in the way of getting pregnant, so if you are able to cut down on the intake of these two chemicals when trying to conceive, your chances of getting pregnant will definitely be improved.