When you are ready to get pregnant, there are so many things to consider, so many things to think about. When are you ovulating? What is the best position for sex? If you get pregnant right now, when will your baby be born? Will you breastfeed? Bottlefeed? What about names? What about an epidural? Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
How long will it take you to get pregnant? Will your man make a good dad? As you can see, there are so many questions that come along with trying to conceive, and so many factors to take into consideration, it is easy to forget some, or overlook some important things that you should not overlook. One of the most important factors for getting pregnant, and also one of the most overlooked? Your weight.
Weight is very important in correlation to conceiving. Being both overweight and underweight can be a problem. Weight affects our bodies in many ways, and fertility and conception is just one of those ways. The real reason for the body weight/fertility connection? Hormones. (It’s all about those pesky hormones, isn’t it?) Read on for more information about how being overweight and underweight can both affect your fertility.
Being underweight can surprisingly be a hindrance to getting pregnant. Not only does being underweight affect your periods, making it harder to get pregnant, but it also puts you at risk for having a baby with low birth weight.
The fact of the matter is that body fat produces a small amount of estrogen, and being too thin can send the wrong signals to the brain. Sometimes, the brain can even think that a woman is too thin to support a pregnancy, which can lead to the egg and follicles not producing correctly.
Being overweight before you become pregnant can really be a problem as well. The chance for birth complications and pregnancy complications is increased. Being overweight is also an increased risk factor for conditions such as PCOS, which can cause your body not to produce enough hormones to make an egg mature.
Some doctors even suggest that as much as 25 percent of ovulation related infertility issues could be related to obesity. Being overweight can also cause increased production of androgens, which are male hormones, which can keep you from getting pregnant.
The ideal weight for conceiving? Well, it is very confusing, since every woman has a different BMI (Body Mass Index) that is considered ideal. On average, doctors recommend that women maintain a BMI of between 19 and 25 for the best possibilities of getting pregnant.
It is important to think about BMI and maintaining a healthy weight before you get pregnant, so try to give it some consideration in advance. If you are concerned about your weight, ask your doctor to give you some tips about how to reach your ideal body weight.