Help Getting Pregnant: 9 Facts

Help Getting Pregnant: 9 Facts

Fertility problems have become extremely frequent, and they are deeply related to the life we live today and the consequences it has on our body. After trying for several months without being successful, it is obvious that you need help from a specialist. Infertility is one of the most common reasons why couples go to see a doctor. After taking various health tests, you will be able to get the best treatment option. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Help me get pregnant!

You have been trying for months to get pregnant, but with no result. Do not despair, there are things that can help. Here are 9 facts that you need to know before trying again.

Fact #1

Pregnancy depends on a series of factors and events. Do not blame it on you! Get well informed about possible causes of infertility and ways to overcome it. One third of infertility cases are due to the female, usually ovulation difficulties, while another one third of infertility cases are due to the man, usually involving sperm count or sperm motility. Both are highly treatable conditions. The remaining one third of cases are caused by the couple together.

Fact #2

Age is extremely relevant. So be patient and optimistic. For a woman in her 20’s, she has a 25% chance any given month to fall pregnant. By the time she reaches 40, her monthly chances drop to 5% per month. So once in her mid-30’s, a woman will want to really get to know her cycle to time it just right, and to seek out help after just about 6 months for possible fertility supplements or treatments.

Fact #3

Change your lifestyle – both you and your partner. Try to improve your life. Live healthier, eat healthier and do more exercises. Studies have shown that unhealthy lifestyle choices, like alcohol, drug, tobacco or caffeine usage can causes infertility issues. As well, it is best to strive to be at your ideal weight, not too overweight nor underweight.

Fact #4

Get to know your body better. Find out about ovulation and the perfect timing to conceive. Conception can only happen when you ovulate, when the egg is present for fertilization. Amazingly enough, this is only about a 2-4 day window during your cycle. So you can have intercourse all throughout the month, but if you skip that short fertile period, you have no chances at getting pregnant.

Fact #5

Check the medical history for both you and your partner. Run a few tests, especially if you know there were problems with pregnancies or there were some illnesses or diseases that may affect your fertility. Untreated infections or possible sexually transmitted diseases can cause very real hindrances to conceiving, and a simple check-up could provide the treatment you need and ultimately your ability to conceive.

Fact #6

While a year may seem a long time to try without getting pregnant, that is the suggested waiting period. By 1 year, about 75-80& of couples trying will have successfully gotten pregnant. Seek medical help if pregnancy does not occur after one year of trying. Find out more about the main causes of infertility:

Primary ovulatory failure
Tubal damage
Low sperm count
Other reasons like nutritional deficiencies or emotional factors.

Fact #7

Get informed about infertility treatments and their efficiency. In today’s age, there are many treatments and fertility drugs on the market. Many prescribed options are quite affordable, and are a good option to begin with before looking into more costly infertility treatments.

Fact #8

Think about natural fertility treatments. Do not forget that you need important elements in your diet to increase the chances of getting pregnant:

Folic Acid
Vitamin C

Fact #9

Consider fertility pills. Most of them are based on human hormones and some of them have proven to be very efficient (since hormonal imbalances are among the most common causes for infertility), so they may work on you, too.

You tried your best to do it on your own, so you need help getting pregnant? It is extremely important to choose your doctor wisely and check with him or her. Consider all the different methods to get pregnant that are available to you. Some of them are natural treatments, others are more invasive and refer to medical interventions and even surgery. But the goal is the same – a healthy baby!

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Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD
Dr. Prabha Sahgal, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Prabha Sahgal MD, is board certified in obstetrics and gynecology and subspecialty board certified in reproductive endocrinology and infertility. Dr. Sahgal holds a B.S. degree from MIT in molecular biology and currently serves on the ConceiveEasy board of directors.
