Top 11 Herbs That Increase Your Fertility

Top 10 Herbs That Increase Your Fertility

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When I was trying to get pregnant, herbs to increase my fertility weren’t even on my radar. Of course, I knew all of the basic stuff to do. I tracked my ovulation using a basal body thermometer and charted my temperature every day. Sometimes, I used ovulation predictor tests to see when I was ovulating. I planned sex for my fertile days, and always had sex according to the “green days” on my calendar. The fertility calendar was like my Bible; I ate, drank, slept and lived according to when my fertile days were. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Top 11 Fertility Herbs Infographic

I stopped eating fast food, and cut down on junk food. I started eating “clean,” and making good choices where food was concerned. I exercised every single day, even if it was just a walk around the block. I got up and got out of the house and tried so hard to get my body in the best possible shape. I ate fruits and veggies all the time, and even took up yoga to help calm my mind and deal with my anxiety and stress levels. I have to admit, I really was feeling better than I had in years, and my stress levels were way down. I didn’t have my usual twinging anxiety that I often felt, and I was really learning to “go with the flow” more.

I have to admit, I really was feeling better than I had in years, and my stress levels were way down.

I took my regular prenatal vitamins and made sure I was getting enough iron, folic acid, zinc and other vitamins and minerals. I was doing all of the things I thought I should be doing. I wasn’t pregnant yet, but I felt like I was well on my way. I really felt positive about the changes I was making in my life and I really felt like everything was going as well as could be expected.

One day, I came into work to find out that my best work friend was pregnant. I was so excited for her, but also a little jealous. I had been trying to get pregnant for way longer than she was, and I didn’t feel like it was totally fair that she was pregnant first. I was really happy for her, but I was wondering what exactly my friend knew that I didn’t know.

The next day, I arrived to work to see a bottle of something called Vitex laying on the break table and a post it note said that it was for me! My newly pregnant friend had left these herbal supplements for me to try. She said that they were the secret to what helped her to get pregnant. I was a little bit wary of that, since I had never heard of herbal fertility supplements before. I went home and started researching right away.

The next day, I arrived to work to see a bottle of something called Vitex laying on the break table and a post it note said that it was for me!

What I found was shocking! There was a whole world of fertility herbs and supplements and various pills to get pregnant out there that I had never heard of. The best part? These fertility herbs and supplements were all completely natural and completely safe. They weren’t actual “medications” and didn’t contain any crazy ingredients, chemicals, etc. It was crazy to me! I started researching everything I could possibly find out about fertility herbs and vitamins, and before long, I was feeling like an expert! Now, I could tell you almost anything about fertility herbs that you want to know. Today, that’s exactly what I am going to do! Read on for more info about the most important and popular fertility herbs.

Read on for more info about the most important and popular fertility herbs.

Vitex aka Chaste Berry

Vitex is a shrub that is grown in Europe. The berries of the plant have been used in herbal medicine for hundreds of years. Vitex does not contain hormones of its own, however, it helps to balance the hormones of the body. As far as fertility herbs go, vitex is probably one of the most common and most popular ones out there. Vitex can increase progesterone, lengthen a short luteal phase, and also relieves PMS symptoms. Vitex can also help to reduce uterine cysts, and can help with irregular menstruation as well.

As far as fertility herbs go, vitex is probably one of the most common and most popular ones out there.

Vitex is one herbal supplement that is recommended to be taken long term. The best results are usually seen when it is taken for six months or more, but some women say they see results in as little as ten days. Vitex is definitely one of the most common and most popular fertility herbs out there, and if you are just starting out with experimenting with fertility herbs and supplements, I’d recommend starting here and giving this one a try.

Dong Quai

Dong Quai is one of the oldest known fertility herbs out there. It has been used since ancient times, and is what is known in Chinese medicine as a “blood tonic”. This means that Dong Quai has a huge effect on the circulatory system. It can increase the blood flow to the uterus. This is especially helpful for women who have absent or weak periods. For women who have irregular periods, or problems with their periods in general, Dong Quai can be helpful to get things back on the right track as far as menstruation is concerned. This is a very powerful herbal supplement and is really great for women who are having trouble with their periods being irregular or nonexistent.

For women who have irregular periods, or problems with their periods in general, Dong Quai can be helpful to get things back on the right track as far as menstruation is concerned.

Black Cohosh

Black Cohosh is a very powerful fertility and female herb. It can be used to bring on menstruation. If a woman has not had a period in a long time, Black Cohosh can usually bring one on. It is good for uterine tone, and helping to shed the uterine lining. For women who have painful periods, this herb is a very great asset to help with that. Women who have a prolapsed uterus, weakened pelvic floor muscles, or ovarian pain of any type can really benefit from the use of this herbal supplement. The only thing to remember when it comes to using Black Cohosh is that it brings on bleeding, so it should definitely not be used during pregnancy. Black Cohosh is also usually used as a tincture, although there are other forms of it available as well.

The only thing to remember when it comes to using Black Cohosh is that it brings on bleeding, so it should definitely not be used during pregnancy!

Maca Root

Maca Root is a root like vegetable that is found in the mountains of Peru. There is actual documentation of maca root being used for fertility as far back as the 1500’s. It actually contains more than 50 different phytonutrients and more than 30 different minerals. Maca is great for supporting hormonal balance, and for balancing the levels of progesterone and estrogen. Maca is also really helpful in supporting normal sexual function and increasing energy, and stamina.

Maca is great for supporting hormonal balance, and for balancing the levels of progesterone and estrogen.

Maca has also been known to improve sexual function in men as well, proving that it can be helpful for both men and women. Maca is another one of those fertility herbs that have so many different uses, many women find it to be exceptionally helpful.

Red Raspberry

When you think of raspberries, you probably do not think of fertility herbs, but it is a little known fact that the fabulous fruit is also great for fertility. Red raspberry is most commonly used during pregnancy and postpartum, but it can also be used for getting pregnant as well. It’s great for preventing excessive bleeding or hemorrhage. For these reasons, it’s usually used to prevent miscarriage or for postpartum bleeding. Red raspberry leaf can also be used to to bring on labor. For women who have had recurring miscarriages or previous surgery for cysts or endometriosis, red raspberry leaf can be a great help.

red raspberry leaf to help get pregnant fast

For these reasons, it’s usually used to prevent miscarriage or for postpartum bleeding.


Tribulus is a great herbal supplement, and the unique thing about it is that it is extremely helpful for men. Crazy as it sounds, this herb can be used for everything from erectile dysfunction to improving sperm count. For women, tribulus is used for stimulating ovulation, and it is actually very very successful in most cases. Tribulus can also help with women who suffer from PCOS, and it can also help to regulate menstruation as well. This one is a very versatile herb that is useful for men and women both, so it is definitely worth checking out!

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For women, tribulus is used for stimulating ovualtion, and it is actually very very successful in most cases.


Motherwort is a great herb that is used for both physical and mental health. It can be really useful for lots of women. For women who have painful periods or even absent periods, it can be a really great help. Motherwort can help reduce the size of ovarian cysts, or also uterine fibriods. Endometriosis can also be helped by using motherwort as well.

This can cause miscarriage, so please use caution if you are using this herb.

It’s very important to realize that it so really unsafe to take motherwort during pregnancy, since it can bring on uterine contractions. This can cause miscarriage, so please use caution if you are using this herb. Always make sure you know which of your herbal supplements are safe to use during pregnancy in case you get pregnant, and which ones you need to stop to keep yourself and your baby safe.


Yarrow is a great herb for fertility. It grows just about everywhere in North America, and is extremely useful for fertility. For women who have heavy menstrual periods, or painful periods, yarrow can be extremely helpful. Yarrow can also help with what is called “pelvic congestion”. Pelvic congestion includes lots of conditions such as PCOS, endometriosis, uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts, and yarrow can really help to alleviate these conditions. Yarrow is great for any of these issues, and can really give fertility a boost.

yarrow herb for fertility

Evening Primrose Oil

Evening Primrose Oil is a herbal supplement that is very useful for helping with cervical mucus production. Women who don’t produce enough cervical mucus will find that the sperm have a hard time making it to the egg. The cervical mucus coats and protects the sperm to help them make their way to where they need to go. Evening Primrose Oil is great for increasing cervical mucus and helping to alleviate these problems. It’s also a great herbal supplement for women who suffer from various PMS symptoms, and it can also be used to support hormonal balance.

It can bring on uterine contractions, so it shouldn’t be used in the first stages of pregnancy, since it could cause miscarriage.

When it comes to pregnancy, it’s a little bit different. It can bring on uterine contractions, so it shouldn’t be used in the first stages of pregnancy, since it could cause miscarriage. However, when a woman gets closer to her delivery date, Evening Primrose Oil can be used to help “ripen” the uterus and prepare a woman for labor. However, this can be dangerous and should only be done under the care of a trained professional.

White Peony

White peony is a beautiful flower that many people love and adore. It’s also very helpful for fertility. A great thing about the white peony is that it is great when combined with other herbal medicines. It can be really helpful for painful periods, anemia or endometriosis pain. It’s really important, however, that white peony not be taken at all during pregnancy, since it can bring on uterine contractions. This can cause miscarriage in some rare cases, so it’s important to keep this in mind. Never use white peony (or any other herbal supplement for that matter) without extensive research to know when and if it is safe for use.

It can be really helpful for painful periods, anemia or endometriosis pain.


While not a fertility herb by itself, the ConceiveEasy fertility supplement is a blend that contains the most potent fertility herbs and vitamins. All pre-mixed, pre-measured in just the right amounts you need to take daily, in a single easy-to-take pill each day. Call it your fertility pill boost for the day! If the above list of fertility herbs really makes you feel all out of whack and totally overwhelmed, then go for this all-natural blend to take all the guesswork out. Doctor-formulated and OB/Gyn recommended, ConceiveEasy is a favorite choice for thousands of women worldwide. And with every TTC Kit purchase, you get 20 pregnancy or ovulation tests, a BBT thermometer and a BBT getting started chart – all to keep as free gifts!

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Bottom Line

As you can see, there are so very many herbal supplements out there. The ones that we have talked about in this article are only a few of the hundreds out there. You could really research for ages and still be learning about new fertility herbs. If you find yourself a doctor or health professional that is knowledgeable in the areas of Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can really learn a lot.

It’s important to really know what you are doing when it comes to these herbs and vitamins so that you do not combine ones that are not recommended to be combined. Herbal treatments can be so helpful in treating fertility issues. Many times, women that use herbal medicines find that they don’t need anything beyond that to help them to boost their fertility. Give it a try, and see how Traditional Chinese Medicine and herbal treatments will work for you.

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Maureen Stephens, BS, RN
Maureen Stephens, BS, RN | ConceiveEasy
Ms. Stephens has spent over twenty years in the healthcare world, specializing in obstretical and medical/surgical nursing. She joined ConceiveEasy as she has a strong interest in educating and empowering women and promoting fertility awareness.
