Home Remedies for Toddler Ringworm

Home Remedies for Toddler Ringworm

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Ringworm is something that is highly contagious and can enter the skin of a toddler through many different avenues. It is a fungal infection and can be treated with over the counter antifungal cream. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

When you are applying antifungal cream to your toddler’s skin, you should spread the cream over the infected area and a little past it as well. It is important to test a small amount on your child’s skin before spreading a great deal of it on the skin because some children tend to be sensitive to it. With this cream, the ringworm should begin to disappear within a month.

Along with applying antifungal cream to the area, there are other things that you should do as well. For example, make sure that you are keeping your child bathed regularly. You should also wash their bedding and toys that they come in contact with on a regular basis frequently.

In order to keep the infection from spreading, make sure that you keep your toddler’s nails trimmed short and their hands clean. You should also encourage them to avoid scratching the area as well. To help relieve the itch, you can use cold compresses as often as necessary.

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Dr. Christine Lee, MD
Dr. Christine Lee, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Christine Lee earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology and Master of Science in Biomolecular Organization. Dr. Lee is Lab Director for ConceiveEasy and is board certified as a High Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
