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When your toddler is vomiting, it is important that you treat them with care. If they are not able to keep foods and liquids down, it is possible that they will become dehydrated, which can be dangerous for a toddler. For this reason, it is crucial that you make sure that they are taking in enough liquids to keep them hydrated. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
If your toddler is having a difficult time keeping anything down, make sure that you are offering them small sips of clear liquids on a regular basis and encouraging them to rest. These types of fluids are gentle on the stomach and can help them to put back much needed nutrients into their body.
Tea is another liquid that can help relieve an upset stomach. Some of the best options are chamomile and peppermint. If they are able to keep this type of tea down, you can give it to them two or three times a day.
Popsicles are another way item that you can give your toddler to help relieve vomiting. They are preferable to toddlers and will help them regain some of their fluids. Soda or ginger ale is also something that can be given to toddlers in order to settle an upset stomach.