How Soon Can A Woman Get Pregnant after Miscarriage?

How Soon Can A Woman Get Pregnant after Miscarriage?

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If you have been trying to become pregnant and experience a miscarriage, you are probably devastated. At this point, your goal will be getting pregnant again and avoiding a miscarriage in the future. Unfortunately, many doctors ask their patients to wait six months to a year before they begin trying again. But, is this really necessary? Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Here are some things to consider.

Health Factors

One of the reasons doctors ask women to wait is so the woman’s health can return to normal. In part, this is fairly true. It could give doctors time to find the cause of the miscarriage and treat the problem. However, in many cases, it is difficult to determine what caused the miscarriage in the first place, especially if no tissue is left for the doctor to examine.

Waiting a few months to get pregnant could also give you time to change your lifestyle. For example, if you are overweight, you may be able to lose a little weight, which can make it easier to get pregnant and have a healthier pregnancy.


You could also change some of your diet and exercise habits to try and become healthier as well. These are all items that could contribute to miscarriages and correcting them could prevent one when you become pregnant again.

Research shows that waiting to get pregnant after a miscarriage isn’t really that effective when additional treatment isn’t involved. Instead, women are healthy enough to begin trying to conceive as soon as their normal period returns. In fact, if you are tracking your ovulation cycle, you could try to get pregnant as soon as you test positive for ovulation.

Emotional Factors

For many women, waiting at least a few months before trying to conceive can help with the emotional factors related to a miscarriage. It can be very difficult to process this type of loss and some women need time to do so. Waiting until you are emotionally ready to begin trying again could make the process a lot easier to handle. Stress is a leading cause of infertility and waiting could help you eliminate some of that.

The best thing you can do is to talk to your doctor about all your options. You can then way these options and decide for yourself whether you are ready to become pregnant again after a miscarriage. Some women may be able to become pregnant again quickly, but others may decide that waiting several months is the best decision.

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Alyssia Granger
Alyssia Granger | ConceiveEasy
Alyssia is mom to 2 giggley twin girls, Sophia and Emma, and son Hunter. She's a Southern girl, passionate about photography, travel and her husband Josh.
