How Soon Can You Get Pregnant after Miscarriage

How Soon Can You Get Pregnant after Miscarriage

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Coping with miscarriage

Miscarriage, or any form of pregnancy loss, is never easy to deal with. It doesn’t matter if a woman has suffered a miscarriage before, or if it is her first time. Miscarriage is never an easy thing to deal with. If a couple is still wanting to try again for a baby after a miscarriage, it can be hard to know what to do and when is the right time to try. Read on for some tips about how soon you can get pregnant after miscarriage. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

The physical scar

The physical scars of miscarriage do not take long to heal. This can be a blessing or a curse, depending on how you look at it. The body can bounce back from a miscarriage extremely quickly, and can heal completely in several weeks. Most doctors recommend that their patients wait until their menstrual and ovulation cycles return to normal before trying to conceive again, which is usually around a month or two.

However, if a woman has to undergo a D&C procedure after a miscarriage, it could potentially take two to three months for the body to heal itself completely. If you are suffering from a miscarriage, your doctor or health care provider will be able to take a look at your unique situation and tell you how long it should be before your body is ready to attempt another pregnancy.

The emotional scars

One thing that is sometimes hard for women to realize is that the physical scars of miscarriage can heal in no time at all, but the emotional scars that accompany a pregnancy loss can be around for much longer. Women should take as much time as they need to process emotionally before trying to conceive again, and should keep the lines of communication open with their partner so that both parties know exactly what the other one is feeling.

Some women find that they may benefit from seeking help from a therapist or counselor after a pregnancy loss, and some find that talking to a family member or friend who has been through something similar would be the best way to handle things. There are also many different support groups to help women cope with pregnancy loss.

Some are online and found in groups or message boards, and other support groups can be found locally in your area. Whatever way you think is the best for you to cope with your feelings after a pregnancy loss, find some support. Definitely make sure that you are fully ready to move forward and try another pregnancy, and be prepared for a variety of emotions that will accompany you on this journey.

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Dr. Christine Lee, MD
Dr. Christine Lee, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Christine Lee earned her Ph.D. in Developmental Biology and Master of Science in Biomolecular Organization. Dr. Lee is Lab Director for ConceiveEasy and is board certified as a High Complexity Laboratory Director (HCLD).
