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When it is time to conceive, one of the most important things is to know when your fertile days are. It can be a bit confusing and a bit time consuming to figure out your fertile days, so read on for some tips on who to calculate your fertile days easily and quickly. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
While charting your menstrual cycle will not always tell you when you ovulate, it can make it quicker and easier to figure out your fertile days. To do this, simply mark on a calendar the first day of your menstrual period each month. This is day #1 of your cycle.
You can continue to mark each day on your calendar until your next menstrual period starts the following month. This will give you an idea of how long your cycles are, and after 3-4 months, you will most likely be able to pinpoint your fertile days.
If you need immediate results as to whether or not you are ovulating, an over the counter ovulation predictor kit may be right for you. These kits work by detecting the LH surge that occurs in the body right before ovulation. You can simply use one test each day, and the test will check your urine for the LH surge. Once the test indicates rising levels of LH, it will show you that the egg will be released soon, and your most fertile days are very near.
Another way to find out your fertile days is to chart your basal body temperature. Using a special thermometer called a basal thermometer that records very detailed temperature, you can take your temperature each day before getting out of bed and record the results on a chart. At some point during your cycle, you will see a slight temperature spike that will indicate ovulation is getting ready to occur.
Your cervical mucus is another very telling factor of when your fertile days are. Cervical mucus is the natural secretions of your vagina during the month. You can check for cervical fluid each day and chart the results to keep a detailed log.
Early or late in your cycle, cervical fluid can be yellow, white or cloudy in color. Once ovulation begins to approach, cervical mucus will become clearer. The consistency of cervical mucus will also change. Other times during the cycle, cervical fluid might be sticky or tacky, but during ovulation, it is stretchy, much like the consistency of egg whites. Cervical mucus is one of the easiest ways to track your fertile days.