There are many different ways to find out if you are ovulating these days. There is so much technology that exists now to help women who are trying to conceive. You can chart your basal body temperature every day to see a temperature change. You can check your cervical mucus and note the changes. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
You can buy an over the counter ovulation predictor kit to tell you when your LH surge is getting ready to occur. You can even buy ovulation tracking software to track your ovulation for you. But, there is a free, simple and age old technique for seeing if your body is ready to ovulate: manually checking your cervix for signs of ovulation.
Once you get the hang of checking your cervix, it is actually pretty simple. At first however, it might feel strange and a bit uncomfortable, but you will get used to it. Make sure that your nails are trimmed before you begin so that you don’t damage your cervix accidentally.
Using a clean middle or index finger, feel the inside of your vagina up to at least the middle of your knuckle, possibly further. Touch your cervix and see how it feels.
If your cervix feels soft, similar to your lips, it is a good sign that you are near ovulation. During ovulation, the cervix often also feels higher, open and wet.
After ovulation, your cervix will firm up and feel drier, like your nose. It will also be lower and will feel more closed. Most of the time during your cycle, your cervix will be closed, since there is no egg waiting to be released. Keep this in mind and don’t be discouraged if your cervix feels closed more often than it feels open.
Checking your cervix manually is a good way to familiarize yourself with your body and how it is supposed to feel. It can be a pretty good indicator of whether or not you are ovulating, even though it is a relatively “low tech” version.
However, you will still need to keep an eye on your other ovulation signs, such as cervical mucus and basal body temperature to make sure that you don’t miss your ovulation while you are learning what your cervix should feel like. It is also okay to still use an ovulation predictor kit to be sure when you are trying to get pregnant.