How to Know You are Not Pregnant

How to Know You are Not Pregnant

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Whether you are trying to get pregnant or not, waiting for your period to start can be a time when you feel anxious. It is typically the way that we determine if we are pregnant or not and whether we are dreading for our period to start in hopes that we are pregnant or hoping that it will so that we know we are not pregnant; playing the waiting game can be frustrating. Luckily, there are some signs that can indicate whether or not you are pregnant. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here

Your Period Starts

If your period starts at its normal time, regardless as to whether it is heavy, light or normal, chances are you are not pregnant. Missing your period is usually the first indication that you may be pregnant. However, some women do notice bleeding around the time that implantation occurs which is usually about a week or so after conception. In this circumstance it may seem as if your period is extremely light or much shorter than normal.

Clinical Signs

Another key indication that you are not pregnant is a negative pregnancy result. This can be completed about six to eight weeks after you have ovulated and can be taken at home with a urine test or in the doctor’s office if they run blood work.

An ultrasound may also be taken to make sure that you are not pregnant. This will indicate that a fetus is not showing and there are no fetal heart sounds that can be found. Your doctor may also complete a physical to look for changes to your cervix or uterus as well.

You won’t feel pregnant

Often there are certain signs that go along with pregnancy and if you are pregnant, you will not see or feel any of these symptoms. If you are not experiencing at least some of the following symptoms, the chances are high that you are not pregnant:

• Missing a period
• Tenderness of the breasts
• Fatigue or extreme tiredness
• Needing to urinate frequently
• Nausea
• Dizziness
• Fainting
• Food Cravings
• Food Aversions
• Morning Sickness
• Heartburn
• Irritability
• Mood Swings
• Increased Body Temperature
• Lower back pain
• Weight Gain
• Feeling bloated

These symptoms usually go hand in hand when a woman is pregnant. If you are not experiencing any of these symptoms you are probably not pregnant.

Think your pregnant

There are times when women think or fear that they may be pregnant when they are actually not. When you are trying to conceive, it is easy to recognize small symptoms of something else and assume that  you are pregnant.

Since you must wait two weeks before you can know that you are pregnant by taking a pregnancy test, it is easy to trick yourself into thinking that you are pregnant when you are not exactly. It is important to avoid thinking about the possibility of being pregnant while you are waiting for this two week period.

Try keeping yourself busy so that you will not think about being pregnant. You can also help by ignoring signs that you are pregnant and by staying away from all baby things during this time. If you delve too much into the idea that you may be pregnant, you will wind up more disappointed if you find out that you are not pregnant after all.


The only way to know if you are pregnant for certain is through taking a pregnancy test or having an ultrasound done. After these two items have been completed, you will know that you are not pregnant and you can move on with your life.

If you are trying to become pregnant and believe that you are, you should continue to maintain any methods of tracking your period that you had been doing before. If you find out that you are not pregnant, you will need these items to continue your quest to become pregnant.

If you are not trying to become pregnant, the best way to avoid a pregnancy scare is to practice safe sex at all times. If you have multiple partners, you should always use a condom, but in order to prevent pregnancy you should at least take birth control. While there are many symptoms of being pregnant, there are very few that show you are not pregnant, although the absence of pregnancy related symptoms is one sign in and of itself.

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Dr. Karen Leham, MD
Dr. Karen Leham, MD | ConceiveEasy
Dr. Karen Leham is double board-certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology and in Reproductive Endocronology and Infertility. Dr. Leham completed her residency at Loyola University, followed by a fellowship at UCLA.
