Let me show you how to swaddle your baby. I’m of the school of thought that for people who tell me their newborns don’t like to be swaddled, you’re just not doing it right because babies love to be swaddled. Claim Your 20 Free Pregnancy Tests – Click Here
So the first thing I want to tell you is that you need a blanket far bigger that anything you ever dreamed. This is the size that works for us. Huge, but it’s what you need.
So, here’s how it works. Take your blanket. You take one corner, and you just fold it down a little bit, like this. Then lay it down on the bed, this is my lovely assistant, Layah. This is my daughter who’s almost two months old. Put your baby right in the middle, so that her shoulders are right around the edge and her head’s kind of in the middle.
Now, I start over on my left side, her right side. Put the arm down, pull over. It’s okay if she puts her knees up because babies squirm. But you want to pull taut. And then you roll the baby like this, and you get it behind it. There’s my big assistant Darah, excuse me Darah.
Then, you pull the bottom of it. Pull it up, put the other arm down. Take this; put it right over the shoulder, like this. Tuck it. Tuck this more and pull. Pull tight, tighter than you think you need to, pull. A lot of people mess up on how tight this is. It’s really important that as you roll around you keep it really tight. See how she’s nice and snug as a bug? Pull it around, pull again; you should have enough to tuck it, right here on the top. Now I have a snuggy bug who’s ready to go night-night!
That’s it! Thanks!